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Smarter Cities - the Swedish way

As society expands so does the number of technical installations needed to ensure that the basic functions are maintained. Infracontrol Online is a cloud service that allows technology and people to interact in new ways. More than 30 municipalities in Sweden have chosen to connect to Infracontrol Online. The result is smart cities that make life easier for both facility owners and residents.
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  • Konsultverksamhet


  • infracontrol online
  • infracontrol
  • infrastruktur
  • m2m
  • drift och underhåll
  • stadsmijö
  • smart city
  • smarter cities
  • smarta städer


Simon Höglund

Presskontakt Affärsutvecklare 031 – 333 27 12

Johan Höglund

Presskontakt VD VD 031 - 333 27 01

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