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It's Better in Groups

The power of any social platform is linking groups of people together. Perhaps you want to collaborate at work without sacrificing confidentiality. Maybe you want to do classroom projects with your students without risking the privacy of children. Perhaps you want to share photos with family without having every face tagged, recognized, analyzed and shared endlessly with third parties. Idka was made for groups who want to meet online without giving away their identity or right to privacy.

Here are some of the groups that have joined Idka and why they chose our platform.

Cancer Survivors Groups

A healthcare issue is a private matter. But for most people, gathering information and support from other survivors is important. People want to share stories and the latest research without compromising their private information and data. They don’t want their comments tracked by insurance companies, employers, pharmaceutical companies or governments. They just want help, and to connect with others who understand their struggle. Several Facebook cancer groups have come to Idka because their members don’t want to publicly post their information to strangers. Even if the group is a private group, there is little filtering on who can join. With Idka, moderators can set whatever filtering criteria they want to accept new members, while offering the needed support and information to those fighting cancer.


Teachers, parents, classrooms and even schools want to share information about events, homework, activities and other announcements. They want to share photos online of the kids without compromising safety and security. Teachers want to collaborate with other teachers on classroom assignments, activities and even labor negotiations without having to do it publicly or under the watchful eye of a technology company. Rather than submit to the alarming data-gathering requirements for using some free technology platforms, several school-related organizations have chosen to collaborate on Idka to maintain privacy and safety for all.


Like schools, families are often sharing private photos and videos of children. They want to share pictures of birthdays, graduations, weddings and other important events with each other, but not with the world. Families come to Idka to keep in touch, share photos, videos and documents. Idka also allows the family to comment and post, no matter where they are in the world.

Companies and Organizations

While it may be tempting to use free collaboration tools like Google Docs, having your confidential information and private conversations monitored by a tech company is unsavory for many organizations, especially those who might be competing with Google in one capacity or another. Plus, Idka provides terabytes of storage data for files, documents, videos, images or whatever materials the organization needs to share, along with video chat, messaging and group posts. It’s an all-in-one collaboration tool that is ad-free and privacy that is so stringent, it surpasses regulations like GDPR.

Vulnerable Groups

Some groups have inherent risks with little protection. One sex workers’ organization joined Idka to share information that will help keep them stay safe as well as organize for workers’ rights. They can share information on abusive customers without offering up their identity to the public, putting themselves at even greater risk. When it comes to vulnerable populations like victims of domestic violence, anonymity can mean life or death for the victims and their families. Organizations that service these at-risk groups rely on Idka to help them find safety both physically and online.

These are just some examples of groups that have come together on Idka. Whatever your reasons, bring your friends, family, colleagues and trusted collaborators because Idka is not a platform for one person. It’s specifically made for groups who want all the benefits of working together from wherever they are, without being stalked by advertisers, tech companies, governments and anyone else who will pay. Come to Idka so you can continue to be social online, but stay private.


  • New media


Elizabeth Perry

Press contact Chief Marketing Officer Marketing & Communication

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