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Global lansering:  ICC Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations

Global lansering: ICC Report on Construction Industry Arbitrations

Tid 18 Februari 2019 16:00 – 18:00

Plats White & Case, Biblioteksgatan 12, Stockholm

Construction arbitrations continue to need careful handling. They often relate to specialized forms of contract unknown to those not involved in construction; frequently give rise to technical or other issues requiring expert evidence and still seem to entail many more documents than other types of disputes. 

The Report provides guidance on a range of tools and techniques useful in developing cost-effective procedures in construction arbitration. It is intended for parties and arbitrators who do not have much experience in construction arbitrations conducted under the ICC Rules, or who wish to be reminded of the options available or of the practice of others.

Participants will gain insights into the work of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, and an understanding of the specificities of construction arbitration, along with the salient aspects of the Report’s main recommendations.

The event is free of charge. Places are limited. Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Professor Dr. Nael G. Bunni, Chartered Engineer, Conciliator/Mediator and Registered Chartered Arbitrator
  • Phillip Capper, Partner & Head of International Arbitration at White & Case London office
  • Therese Isaksson, Partner at Westerberg & Partners Advokatbyrå
  • Aisha Nada, Co-Chair, Construction Industry Arbitration Task Force, Advokatfirman Runeland AB and Member of the FIDIC Board
  • Dr. Hélène van Lith, Policy Director, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR



Kajsa Persson-Berg

Kajsa Persson-Berg

Presskontakt Director of Communications Kommunikation/Press 0761037878

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ICC Sweden

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11451 Stockholm