Press release -

How Covid-19 is changing the way we commute and why IAMRUNBOX is part of the solution

Everything is changing. The world is moving to remote work, traffic jams are rare, and the global economy faces uncertain times. No one can tell how long this will last, but one thing is certain. Structural changes are about to impact society and people’s lifestyles. On a positive note, IAMRUNBOX is leading the way in the active commuting movement.

The rise of active commuting

As consumer behavior shifts to online shopping and healthy habits during Covid-19, IAMRUNBOX draws massive interest to active commuting products:

“In spite of the current situation, we have seen a spike in our online volumes during the last 3 weeks with a 37% increase in online revenue comparing to 3 weeks before. As we have over 70% of our revenue coming from online channels, our business impact from a slowdown in retail is limited.” (Kirill Noskov, Founder & CEO at IAMRUNBOX).

IAMRUNBOX produces sustainable backpacks and garment bags for active and solo commuters worldwide. Our vision is to be a spark of active change in people’s everyday lives by inspiring a healthy lifestyle and promoting walking, running, and cycling as green and sustainable traveling alternatives.

“Run commuting completely changed my life. I got healthier, happier and as energetic as never before in my life. I wanted to inspire more people to live an active lifestyle and making it as easy as possible for them.” (Kirill Noskov, Founder & CEO at IAMRUNBOX).

The best alternative to public transport

Experts have already suggested solo jogging as the safest option for keeping active and healthy during the period of the Covid-19 isolation when public transport should be avoided. Related solutions will become even more relevant in post-Coronavirus times as people tend to be more conscious about health and prevention to infections.

Besides the benefits for human health, now and at any time, IAMRUNBOX offers a meaningful contribution to the environment.

In our last sustainability report, we calculated an average of 467353,8 kg CO2 saved by promoting a healthier and more sustainable way to commute with IAMRUNBOX products. In addition, the concept of sustainability extends to our production and consumption chains. Besides buying the product, people can rent them out or renew them, in line with the pillars of the circular economy.

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  • Working life


  • sports
  • lifestyle
  • health
  • coronavirus


  • Stockholm

Inspiring urban motion


Natália Santana Faria

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