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Disconnected from nature—how does it affect us and our planet?

Humanity is facing enormous challenges on several levels. War, climate crisis, biodiversity loss, mass migrations ... socio-ecological challenges that need to be solved collectively; otherwise, the world and nature we know and depend upon for our survival risk being lost. Would these challenges have become crises if we felt and acted based on a connection with nature? Twelve researchers from six countries have taken a closer look at how our connection to or disconnection from nature affects us and our planet.

People are a part of nature and are therefore dependent on it. We have had strong connections and affinity with nature throughout human development; subsequently, these relationships have been explored throughout human history. Nevertheless, as industrialization and technological development reshaped the world, people have lost a connection to nature at an increasingly rapid pace. The further we are from nature, the more the interest in our connection and belonging has increased, not only in society in general, but also among researchers. However, the subject is still under-researched.

In a scientific article
, an international group of researchers takes a closer look the idea of connection with nature. What advantages or disadvantages does such a sense of belonging provide? How does this sense of belonging affect our perceptions and behaviors regarding the environment and climate? Does our connection to nature affect human motivation to tackle significant challenges like biodiversity loss and climate change?

“Given our connection, we decided to approach the human-nature relationship from the perspective of disconnection. In the article, we thus explore a range of dimensions of disconnection from nature. We must expand our focus from the individual to the collective and include socio-cultural, political, and institutional dimensions. Consider how our cultural background may affect our sense of belonging to nature. Immigrants may, for example, need time to reconnect with new and unfamiliar environments,” says Thomas Beery, professor of environmental didactics at Kristianstad University and lead author of the article.

Other examples are our connection to agriculture and the food we eat. Today's animal husbandry and industrial meat production in many parts of the world disconnect consumers from nature. The only natural connection many people get is via urban parks and green spaces, which can be more than what the industrial-agricultural landscape can offer. What are the consequences of this extinction of experience?

“Many types of disconnections span many contexts, from individual to social meaning-making. Therefore, social and societal processes are essential to include in future work regarding the relationships between people and nature. A critical factor in both human wellness and environmental action is the feeling of connection and belonging. We are part of nature, and our health and well-being, as well as nature's health as a whole, depends on us recognizing this connection,” says Thomas Beery.

Words: Fabian Rimfors

Scientific article: Disconnection from nature: Expanding our understanding of human–nature relations


Thomas Beery
Professor of environmental didactics, Kristianstad University
+46 44 250 34 26


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