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Sesame Alcotester secures Stockholm’s Sober nightclub

At Stockholm’s Sober nightclub, the Sesame™ system for easy alcohol measurement, is being used to screen all of the guests as they arrive, to ensure they are actually sober. Every guest performs a quick breath test at the entrance to the club. Inside there is a large variety of non-alcoholic drinks for sale to refresh those taking a break from the busy dance floors.
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Sesame Alcotester secures Stockholm’s Sober nightclub

At Stockholm’s Sober nightclub, the Sesame™ system for easy alcohol measurement, is being used to screen all of the guests as they arrive, to ensure they are actually sober. Every guest performs a quick breath test at the entrance to the club. Inside there is a large variety of non-alcoholic drinks for sale to refresh those taking a break from the busy dance floors.