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HiNation AB to participate in Swedish Pavilion at the CCR EXPO at COP 17

COP 17 will run in Durban, South Africa, 28 November – 9 December. In parallel to COP17 there
will be the Climate Change Response Exhibition (CCR EXPO) where the Swedish Pavilion will give companies like HiNation an opportunity to exhibit and showcase our product within the climate change sector to other exhibitors, delegates, consumers and international media.

HiNation AB welcomes you to visit us at the Swedish Pavilion should you be at the CCR EXPO.


  • Jordbruk, lantbruk, fiske


  • sustainability
  • carbon emission reduction
  • hilight
  • hination
  • linda krondahl
  • mobilladdare
  • mobilladdning
  • off-grid
  • off-grid charging solutions
  • outdoor
  • solar power
  • solceller
  • solcellsladdare
  • solenergi
  • africa
  • united nations climate change conference


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