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Nigel Paine - How to use learning to change transformation, discrition by learning culture.

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Nigel Paine - How to use learning to change transformation, discrition by learning culture.

With over 25 years of experience in corporate learning, Nigel is a regular speaker, writer and broadcaster on the topics of learning culture, technology and leadership. He will be one of the speakers at this years Learning Conference.

Between 2002 and 2006 he headed up the BBC’s Learning and Development operation. Following this, he started his own company nigelpaine.com Ltd that is focused on building great workplaces that develop great people. He has written three recent books, on learning, leadership and culture.

"A rich organizational learning culture does not happen by chance. It has systematic behaviours and values associated with it and it recognizes the simple fact that the organization harbours a collective intelligence bigger than any individual who works there."
- Nigel Paine

In his talk Nigel will cover these three areas:

1. Explain what organizational learning actually is.

2. Elaborate on why it is so critical in times of uncertainty and volatility.

3. Outline the component parts for you to reflect upon so that you will be able to work out what the priorities are for your organization if you want to move in this direction.

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