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Herrljunga Cider namechange; Herrljunga Drycker AB
Herrljunga Cider namechange; Herrljunga Drycker AB

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Introducing Herrljunga Drycker

The venerable Herrljunga Cider is changing its name
Cider has been flowing at the factory in Herrljunga for more than a half century. But over the years, other beverages too have started to be manufactured at the site, which is why the company has now decided to change its name to Herrljunga Drycker AB.

It all started in 1911, when nonconformist pastor Oskar Svenberg began making his own communion wine, followed a few years afterwards by cordials and home-pressed apple juice. Around 50 years later, the first cider saw the light of day when the Branmarks, father and son, “brought cider to Sweden” – and what a success it was!
Glögg – Swedish mulled wine – and Christmas root beer followed then, in 2019, the juicery started up again, with freshly pressed juices and health shots now widely enjoyed. Table-water, lemonades and soft drinks were next to arrive, as if by magic, and suddenly we’ve become a beverage company!

Why Herrljunga Drycker?
-Most people are probably familiar with Herrljunga Cider as a brand, but probably not everyone realises that we also produce Dufvenkrooks, Cocky Crane and Spirit of Sweden. The new name makes it easier to represent all our beverages,” explains Johan Branmark, CEO of Herrljunga Drycker.

-Changing our name like this after 100 years is really awesome. We feel more vibrant than ever, and being named ‘Connect Company of the Year’ back in the autumn confirmed that, Johan continues.

Connect Company of the Year 2022
In the words of Connect’s motivation for the award: “Constantly developing, striving to be the industry forerunner, then sustaining this position – this is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Connect Company of the Year, which has used its instinctive flair to identify new business areas and scale the heights in these.”

-The prize is usually awarded to young or newly started company, but in 2022 it went to us! This shows that even companies with many years on the clock can evolve and take new strides. We’ve taken a good look at ourselves and really analysed who we are to shape our vision and our mission as a beverage company. We’ve also drawn up a robust growth plan. The future looks both bright and exciting, Johan predicts.

New visual identity
-What we’re rolling out now has been an enormous undertaking. We haven’t just changed name – we have a completely new visual identity, explains Nina Hagman, Marketing Director at Herrljunga Drycker.

-Our fresh new graphic profile chimes really well with our vision and what we are. We’re timelessly contemporary and have solid experience and a long history behind us. We’re an innovative and creative beverage company, with oceans of know-how. I think the new profile really conveys this, Nina continues, proudly.

We’ve summarised all the changes in a short film about us: Herrljunga Drycker.

The Herrljunga Cider brand lives on
Herrljunga Cider remains Sweden’s best-loved cider and one of the most important brands under the Herrljunga Drycker umbrella. Almost 50% of everything we produce is cider.

-Herrljunga Cider as a brand won’t be changing. Well actually the brand will be having a light facelift in the spring, but that’s a whole different story, Nina says.

Herrljunga Cider is in good company with our Cocky Crane, Herrljunga Musteri, Herrljunga 1911, Dufvenkrooks and Spirit of Sweden brands.

Get to know Herrljunga Drycker
Browse to www.herrljungadrycker.com, follow us on LinkedIn or visit our factory in Herrljunga. Our address is the same as before, and you’re very welcome!

We are Herrljunga Drycker. We create on-trend beverages – something for everyone to love!



Vi skapar drycker. Något för alla att älska!

Herrljunga Drycker AB (f d Herrljunga Cider AB) är ett svenskt dryckeshus som i över hundra år förenat tradition och innovation. Företaget är beläget i Herrljunga och drivs av fjärde generationen Branmark. Vårt team består idag av ca 70 medarbetare som årligen tillverkar omkring 15 miljoner liter dryck. I vårt breda sortiment samsas cider, saft, lemonad, juice, hälsoshots, must, glögg med läsk – allt producerat med stolthet i Sverige.
Herrljunga Drycker AB omsätter cirka 250 MKR årligen. I koncernen ingår Herrljunga Hotell & Konferens.
Våra varumärken; Herrljunga Cider, Herrljunga Musteri, Cocky Crane, Herrljunga 1911, Dufvenkrooks samt Spirit of Sweden.
Herrljunga Drycker AB är certifierade enligt den internationella standarden British Retail Consortium (BRC), som är en garanti inom livsmedelssäkerhet. Vi innehar också certifikat för EU ekologisk produktion.
För oss är drycken det som förgyller varje tillfälle i livet, stort som smått, för ung som gammal, när som fjärran.
Vi är Herrljunga Drycker. Vi skapar drycker i tiden. Något för alla att älska!


Frida Andersson

Frida Andersson

Presskontakt Design 0513 25 40 00
Marika Blomberg

Marika Blomberg

Presskontakt SoMe 0513 25 40 00
Nina Hagman

Nina Hagman

Presskontakt Marketing Director

Herrljunga Drycker - Vi skapar drycker i tiden. Något för alla att älska!

Herrljunga Drycker AB (f d Herrljunga Cider AB) är ett svenskt dryckeshus som i över hundra år förenat tradition och innovation. Företaget är beläget i Herrljunga och drivs av fjärde generationen Branmark.
Våra varumärken; Herrljunga Cider, Herrljunga Musteri, Cocky Crane, Herrljunga 1911, Dufvenkrooks samt Spirit of Sweden. Allt tillverkat med stolthet i Sverige.
Vi skapar drycker i tiden. Något för alla att älska!

Herrljunga Drycker AB

Östergårdsgatan 11
524 323 Herrljunga