Press release -

Hernö Gin could be awarded the International Gin Producer of the Year for a historical third time.

The world’s leading and most awarded craft gin producer, the Swedish distillery Hernö Gin has been nominated for International Gin Producer of the Year 2020 at the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC). The competition is considered the most prestigious international competition for spirits, and the award rewards the best gin maker in the world. Hernö Gin has received the award twice before and this could be the third time. The result will be announced on November 18.

– This is breathtaking news. I’m speechless. Never ever in my wildest dreams I would have thought that we could have a chance to receive this award, the award amongst awards, for a third time, says Jon Hillgren, Founder and Master Distiller at Hernö Gin.

An unprecedented achievement might be surpassed.
Hernö Gin is the only distillery in the world that have been awarded International Gin Producer of the Year twice (2016 and 2017). With this year’s nomination an already unprecedented achievement can be surpassed, but nothing is given in the company of three other highly respected competitors.

– I’m proud to be in the company of these great distillers and distilleries who bring extraordinary products to the gin world, Jon emphasizes.

Following the public online ceremony on November 18.
The result will be announced by the IWSC on November 18 at a virtual broadcast at YouTube Premiere while the yearly grand banquet in London will not be held due to the COVID pandemic. The ceremony will be presented by the well-known speakers and broadcasters Joe Fattorini and Joel Harrison, known from the Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch, and 21 awards will be presented. The IWSC has also hired one of the foremost documentary filmmakers in the UK – a producer who has worked with Pink Floyd, Blur and the Sex Pistols – to mastermind its 2020 Awards: Matt Longfellow.

– We will hold a banquet with our team and friends at our distillery that night. The nomination and possible award are worth celebrating. And each and every one working at the distillery has contributed to our success, we’re in this together and we will follow the competition with excitement via YouTube. Of course dressed appropriate for the grand occasion, Jon says.

– Dreaming big is my distinctive feature and this nomination is an important help on the way to achieve high set goals for Hernö Gin. Leading the craft gin movement we are aiming to bring premium gin culture to every home, Jon states.

Winners over the past five years:
2016 Hernö Gin Distillery, Sweden
2017 Hernö Gin Distillery, Sweden
2018 The Kyoto Distillery, Japan
2019 Four Pillars Distillery, Australia
2020 To be announced on November 18


  • Business enterprise


  • awards
  • corporate

Hernö Gin is the world’s leading and most awarded craft gin producer. Proud pioneers who started the first gin distillery in Sweden back in 2011. It all began with a passion for the juniper predominant spirit and a dream evolving to gin crafting. A journey that took Hernö Gin’s founder Jon Hillgren to places and gin distilleries all around the world in his thirst for knowledge and search for inspiration. Finally settling in the small village of Dala just outside Härnösand in the High Coast of Sweden.

Hernö Gin is crafting the world’s most awarded gins from natural organic botanicals in the hand hammered copper stills Kierstin and Marit. With a mindset of crafting, transparency in all parts of the process and total focus on quality, Hernö Gin intend to bring premium gin culture to every home.


Jon Hillgren

Press contact Founder, Managing Director and Master Distiller 073-274 44 93

Maria Åman

Press contact Head of Communication 070-661 74 41

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–I can hardly believe i