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Nordic Ports for a Sustainable Future

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Nordic Ports for a Sustainable Future

Port of Helsingborg is one of the ten ports in the Nordic Region who have agreed upon a declaration focusing on sustainable port management. The joint declaration shows a regional commitment to collaborate on environmental challenges related to the UN's Global Sustainability Goals (SDGs).
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Zandra Lindell

Zandra Lindell

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig Kommunikation och marknadsföring 042-10 63 24

Relaterat innehåll

Container specialist in Sweden's highest ranked logistic region

The Port of Helsingborg’s objective is to be a reliable partner in the logistic supply chain for both sea and land transportation. As one of the most important logistic hubs in Sweden we aim to deliver high end value for all costumers and the business community.

Helsingborgs Hamn AB - Port of Helsingborg

Oceangatan 3
251 08 Helsingborg