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People's Walk, the pavilion People's Voice, designed by architect students at Lund University.
People's Walk, the pavilion People's Voice, designed by architect students at Lund University.

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Welcome to the opening of the People's Walk in Oceanhamnen in Helsingborg

On Thursday 2 June, we will open the People's Walk, a pilot project for FairShare, which aims to create a more accessible and equal urban environment. The project, a collaboration between OBOS and the City of Helsingborg, will be launched during the H22 City Expo in Helsingborg. The route runs between the Dockan park and Redaregatan in the new Oceanhamnen residential area by the sea in Helsingborg.

– The People's Walk is a completely new way of letting our residents make their mark on the urban environment by leaving their own message of equality to both present and future Helsingborg citizens and visitors, and it will be very exciting to see the results, says Christian Orsing, Chairman of the City Planning Board.

– At the People's Walk, OBOS will present its vision of the Garden City – Home for More. A completely new concept to put people and individuals at the centre. By starting from health, safety, community, equality, inclusion, diversity and economic equality, we have set the direction for how we want OBOS residential areas to look and feel, says Ola Pettersson, project manager for H22, at OBOS.

Welcome to join us!

Time: Thursday 2 June at 14.00

Location: People's Walk, between the park Dockan and Redaregatan in Oceanhamnen.

You can get there on foot or by bike via the Varvsbron bridge behind Helsingborg Central train station. Aim for the red tower, the People's Voice pavilion. For the nearest parking, see the parking map: parking in Helsingborg (arcgis.com)


  • We will start with Opening speeches by Christian Orsing (M) Chairman of the City Planning Board; David Carlsson, OBOS; Vesna Vasiljkovic, Tengbom architects and Andrée Olsson Lilja, City of Helsingborg.
  • Then we'll blast messages of equality into paving stones.
  • Afterwards, there will be an equal parade.
  • The architecture students Alva Stenlund, Kristina Striewe and Alexander Johnsson from Lund University who designed the red pavilion People's Voice will be on hand to guide visitors.
  • Fresh juices and refreshing ice cream will be served.

(Subject to possible changes in the programme.)

A warm welcome!

For more information contact:

Andrée Olsson Lilja, landscape architect and project manager for the project at the City of Helsingborg's urban planning department, andrée.olssonlilja@helsingborg.se, mobile 0738234451.

Ola Petersson, project developer at OBOS and project manager for H22, email: ola.petersson@obos.se, mobile 010-434 15 44

Christian Orsing (M), Chairman of the City Planning Committee, e-mail: christian.orsing@helsingborg.se, mobile: 0703-01 07 26,

FairShare is a Vinnova-funded project to develop a certification system for equal and inclusive places, in which the City of Helsingborg collaborates with Tengbom architects, RISE and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

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H22 City Expo

On 30 May-3 July 2022, the City of Helsingborg invites the world to experience the city's sustainable and innovative social solutions during the international city fair H22 City Expo. With a focus on long-term innovation and change through circular solutions, sustainable urban development and smart technology, among other things, visitors can see, experience and explore innovations that are shaping the smart and sustainable city of the future during the fair. HRH Crown Princess Victoria is the official patron of H22 City Expo. You can find information about the programme here: h22cityexpo.se

Helsingborg – one of Europe's most innovative cities

This is an award presented by the European Commission to the European city that best demonstrates its ability to use innovation to improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Helsingborg has a proud tradition of organising major trade fairs. In 1955, the H55 craft and design fair attracted an audience of millions. In 1999, H99 became the precursor to a number of other trade fairs in the country. With H22, Helsingborg is taking this tradition to the next level and focusing on an issue that has become increasingly pressing over time. H22 City Expo is about the journey towards a smarter, more caring and sustainable city.




Presskontakt Helsingborgs stads presstjänst är bemannad vardagar klockan 8 - 17. 042-10 55 55

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Välkommen till Helsingborg

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