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New mobile app will help MS patients control their health

Novartis has recently launched a new app to help people with MS track symptoms and relapses. By allowing users to keep track of their general wellbeing and MS symptoms over time they will getter a better picture of their health and this will also facilitate interactions between the patient and the healthcare team. The app has been developed by Pond Healthcare Innovation and Aurora Comm. in the UK
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Daniel Taub

Presskontakt CEO Pond Healthcare Innovation +46705673688

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New mobile app will help MS patients control their health

Novartis has recently launched a new app to help people with MS track symptoms and relapses. By allowing users to keep track of their general wellbeing and MS symptoms over time they will getter a better picture of their health and this will also facilitate interactions between the patient and the healthcare team. The app has been developed by Pond Healthcare Innovation and Aurora Comm. in the UK