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Pressklipp: Wall Street Journal citerar Johan Hjertqvist

Wall Street Journal citerar Johan Hjertqvist

Europe's Failing Health

Sweeping reforms are needed across the European Union if its member states are serious about providing sustainable health care to aging populations

Den 28 mars 2010 citerar The Wall Street Journal Johan Hjertqvist i en artikel med rubriken Europes Failing Health.

". . .The idea of a docile and uninformed patient with little say on the quality and choice of care is changing, says Johan Hjertqvist, an independent Swedish health-care consultant based in Brussels. "For too long you expected the government to take care of you but now individuals want the system to be accountable to them and want to make informed choices," he says. . ."

". . . But why are we only now starting to see hints of change in health-care systems in Europe? "People are gradually realizing monopoly-style systems are becoming obsolete and unaffordable," Mr. Hjertqvist says. "Health care should be looked at as the largest industry in Europe but instead it has for too long been regarded as an administrative operation.". . ."

Hela artikeln kan läsas via nedanstående länk:



  • Hälsa, sjukvård, läkemedel


  • johan hjertqvist
  • health consumer powerhouse
  • euro health consumer index


Arne Björnberg

Presskontakt fil. dr. Vice President, Director of R&D Utvecklingschef 0705-84 84 51