Euro Health Consumer Index 2006 - Introducing a different perspective

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Euro Health Consumer Index 2006 - Introducing a different perspective

2005 Health Consumer Powerhouse presented an index comparing twelve European national health care systems. Assured by the most positive reception that a full-scale approach ought to be implemented we decided to move ahead with an EU 25 index. Introducing a different perspective, our Index ranks how user-friendly the national healthcare systems turn out around the Union.
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  • Politik


  • euro health consumer index
  • arne björnberg
  • diabetesindex
  • health consumer powerhouse
  • hälsoval-index
  • johan hjertqvist
  • kol-index
  • vaccinationsindex


  • Utanför Sverige


Arne Björnberg

Presskontakt fil. dr. Vice President, Director of R&D Utvecklingschef 0705-84 84 51

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