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Support the future of Ukraine

The world is darkened by Russia´s terrifying, inhumane, illegal, and tragic war on Ukraine. The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) together with the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Embassy of Ukraine in Sweden invite students, faculty, staff, and partners to an evening to learn more about the impact of the war in Ukraine on April 19th 2022. We will discuss how we can support fellow students and faculty members from our partner school, the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) and Ukrainian academics and students more generally.

Ukraine is in urgent need of aid and life saving measures at this very moment, but it also important to secure the future of Ukraine in terms of education and access to fact-based knowledge. The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) together with the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) has therefore started the initiative “Friends of KSE” to support fellow students and faculty members at the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE). Together, we will raise funds for their future work and create supportive initiatives.

“It is my conviction that knowledge, science and education are lights that must continue to shine in a world that is now darkening. It is therefore crucial that we support research and education in Ukraine together with our partner school KSE, to stress the importance of fact-based knowledge and secure the future for Ukrainian academics", says SSE President Lars Strannegård.

A number of highly interesting speakers will join this event to discuss the matter:

Tymofiy Mylovanov, KSE President
Andrii Plakhotniuk, Ambassador of Ukraine to Sweden
Tobias Thyberg
, Ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine
Jenny Ohlsson
, State Secretary to Minister for International Development Cooperation
Lars Strannegård
, SSE President
Anders Paalzow
, SSE Riga President
Yuriy Gorodnichenko
, KSE board member and UC Berkeley professor
Hanna Anisimova
, SITE research assistant
Students from KSE and SSE
The moderators will be Torbjörn Becker, Director of SITE and Board Member of KSE together with Wilma Liewendahl, President of the Student Association at SSE.

During the evening, we will be raising funds for the newly formed Swedish non-profit organization “Friends of KSE”, to help provide intellectual and humanitarian support to researchers, students, and to KSE, working within and outside Ukraine’s borders.

Make a difference for academic freedom in Ukraine and join us for this event.
Are you a journalist and interested in an interview with any of the speakers? Please contact us.

Please register here

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  • higher education
  • research
  • education
  • ledarskap
  • forskning
  • handelshögskolan
  • handelshögskolan i stockholm
  • stockholm school of economics
  • utbildning

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm är den ledande handelshögskolan i Norden och Baltikum och har ett högt anseende i Sverige såväl som internationellt. Forskning i världsklass utgör grunden för våra utbildningar som består av kandidat-, master- och forskarutbildning, ett Executive Format MBA-program och ett stort utbud av executive education. Våra program är utvecklade i nära samarbete med både forskning och näringsliv, vilket ger våra studenter stora möjligheter att uppnå ledande positioner i företag och andra organisationer.

Handelshögskolan är ackrediterad av EQUIS, som garanterar att både undervisning och forskning håller högsta internationella standard. Handelshögskolan är också den enda svenska medlemmen i CEMS och PIM, som är samarbeten mellan ledande handelshögskolor i världen, vilket bidrar till den höga kvalitet som Handelshögskolan är känd för.

Stockholm School of Economics . Sveavägen 65 . Box 6501. SE-113 83 Stockholm .  Sweden . Phone +46 8 736 90 00 .


Ylva Mossing

Presskontakt Content and Media Relations Manager 0730972616