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Vicore obtains SARS coronavirus patent for C21 in the USA

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Vicore obtains SARS coronavirus patent for C21 in the USA


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Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (“Vicore”), a rare disease pharmaceutical company developing innovative medicines for severe lung disorders, today announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted patent number US11,123,329 covering the use of C21 to treat infections caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (CoV), including SARS-CoV-2.

COVID-19 may be just a few mutations away from evading existing vaccines, and we know that even vaccinated people can both pass on the infection and become ill themselves” said Carl-Johan Dalsgaard, CEO of Vicore Pharma. “This C21/CoV patent gives Vicore patent protection in the US market until December 2040.

A major clinical impact of C21 on respiratory function in COVID-19 was documented in a recent phase 2 trial showing that C21 reduced the need for supplemental oxygen in hospitalized patients by 90%. An ongoing international pivotal phase 3 study (ATTRACT-3) involving around 600 COVID-19 patients is expected to deliver top-line data in H1 2022.

The use of C21 to promote accelerated resolution of lung damage by SARS-CoV-2 and related conronaviruses is a promising and innovative therapeutic approach” said Johan Raud, CSO of Vicore. “Vicore is also presently pursuing equivalent protection for this innovation outside the US.”

C21 - a first-in-class AT2R agonist
C21 is a first-in-class, orally available, low molecular weight, angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) agonist that activates the “protective arm” of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) leading to resolution and regeneration following tissue damage. The compound is currently in a phase 2 proof-of-concept trial in IPF and in a pivotal phase 3 trial in COVID-19. Given the therapeutic potential of AT2R agonism in additional indications with significant unmet medical needs, Vicore has intensified the efforts to develop proprietary follow-up molecules with differentiated profiles.

For further information, please contact:
Carl-Johan Dalsgaard, CEO
Phone: +46 70 975 98 63
E-mail: carl-johan.dalsgaard@vicorepharma.com

About Vicore Pharma

Vicore Pharma is a rare disease pharmaceutical company focused on rare lung disorders and related indications. The company currently has two drug development programs, VP01, VP02 and VP03.

The VP01 project aims to develop the substance C21 for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), systemic sclerosis and COVID-19. The VP02 project is based on a new formulation and delivery route of an existing immunomodulatory compound (an “IMiD”). The VP02 project focuses on the underlying disease and the severe cough associated with IPF. Both projects are also being actively evaluated for other indications within the field of interstitial lung diseases which have a significant unmet need. The VP03 project includes follow-up molecules for C21.

The company’s shares (VICO) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s main market. For more information, see www.vicorepharma.com.




About GU Ventures AB

GU Ventures builds businesses out of groundbreaking ideas that help shape a better tomorrow and is top-ranked by UBI Global Index as one of the world's 20 leading university-run incubators. We finance and develop new innovative business ideas with connections to the University of Gothenburg, which is one of northern Europe's largest universities. Our mission is commercialize the innovations, which leads to the utilization of research and skills, renewal of the business community, job creation and sustainable growth. Our passionate team of company builders, financial experts, IP and legal talent are dedicated supporters of our companies and ensure their successes. Since our starting point in 1995, GU Ventures has developed over 200 new business ideas of which 130 are in business today and of which 14 are listed. Our portfolio consists of 70 holdings and some projects. In the latest survey, 87% of companies match the global sustainability goals set by the UN. GU Ventures is wholly owned by the Swedish state and managed by the University of Gothenburg. Feel free to read more at: www.guventures.com.


Carl-Johan Dalsgaard

Carl-Johan Dalsgaard

VD, Vicore Pharma +46 70 975 98 63

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Vicore tar ett stort steg mot ett kliniskt plattformsbolag som fokuserar på AT2R – ny molekyl redo för fas 1

Vicore Pharma Holding AB (publ) (“Vicore”), ett läkemedelsbolag i klinisk fas som utvecklar läkemedel som aktiverar angiotensin II typ 2-receptorn (AT2R), meddelade att bolaget avancerar den första nya läkemedelskandidaten från VP03-programmet till första studien i människa, en fas 1-studie. Denna molekyl är bolagets första AT2R-agonist att följa C21 i klinisk utveckling.

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Sedan startpunkten 1995 har GU Ventures utvecklat över 240 nya affärsidéer, varav 140 bedriver verksamhet idag och varav 15 är listade. Vår portfölj består av 80-tal innehav och ett antal projekt.

I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

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