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Tiefenbacher Group and OnDosis enter a strategic partnership for game-changing integration of medicines and digital health

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Tiefenbacher Group and OnDosis enter a strategic partnership for game-changing integration of medicines and digital health

GU Ventures sprider nyheter och information kring verksamheten, sina bolag, samt alumnibolag.

Nyhetens sammanfattning:

Tiefenbacher Group och OnDosis meddelade i förra veckan undertecknandet av ett omfattande samutvecklingsavtal för flera produkter under de kommande åren. Detta samarbete stärker båda företagens åtagande att vidareutveckla och kommersialisera innovativa produkter inom individualiserade läkemedelsbehandlingar och digital hälsa, varmed det kombinerar traditionella läkemedel med digital terapi och intelligent dosering.

Resterande pressmeddelande följer på engelska:


Tiefenbacher Group and OnDosis have announced the signing of an extensive co-development agreement for multiple products in the upcoming years. This collaboration strengthens both companies’ commitment to further develop and commercialize innovative products within individualized treatments and digital health, combining traditional drug-based medicines with digital therapeutics and intelligent dosing. 

The agreement covers future potential collaboration of products within five disease areas, where individualized dosing, improved patient engagement and patient safety are important to improve outcomes. The first co-development project is already initiated within ADHD and targeting the US market. Through the collaboration, OnDosis will benefit from a partner with leading competence in pharmaceutical development, supply chain and B2B commercialization, whilst Tiefenbacher Group gets access to an innovative product concept with game-changing potential in the new era of individualization of treatments and digitalization in healthcare.

“When we met the team from OnDosis the first time, we directly felt a great fit and the enormous potential in a partnership between both companies. Together with Ondosis we will now establish the first digital platform for individualized medicine and make existing therapies better.”, says Kristian Ruepp, Managing Director at Tiefenbacher Group.

“We are very excited by this great opportunity. The collaboration between Tiefenbacher Group and OnDosis builds on a very strong logic, where the joint capabilities of our companies and commitment of our teams will enable acceleration towards of our mission to bring truly game changing therapies to patients”, says Martin Olovsson, CEO at OnDosis.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Kristian Ruepp, Joint Managing Director, Tiefenbacher GroupTel: +49 40 – 44 18 09-0

Martin Olovsson, CEO OnDosis
Tel: +46 76 772 85 01


About Tiefenbacher Group:

100% family owned since 1963 Tiefenbacher Group is a global health care company providing innovative and best-in-class solutions along the entire pharmaceutical value chain. That includes the distribution of API´s and the development, manufacturing and registration of finished dosage forms. The world´s most trusted health care brands count on Tiefenbacher’s pioneer spirit as well as its pharmaceutical excellence. Leveraging its global presence including own laboratories and manufacturing sites Tiefenbacher is driven to make pharmaceuticals more affordable, more available and better than before. There is one purpose driving Tiefenbacher’s about 600 employees day by day: improving the life of millions of patients worldwide.

About OnDosis:

Founded as a spin-out from AstraZeneca in 2017, OnDosis is a Swedish start-up addressing one of the major opportunities in healthcare; personalized dosage of medicines. The proprietary technology platform is centered around a connected handheld dosing device that delivers tailored doses of oral medicines. By combining individual dosing of traditional drug-based medicines augmented by digital therapeutics, OnDosis opens a new chapter in personalized medicine where the mission is to improve patients’ life through delivering the perfect dosage; individualized, intuitive, and intelligent.




About GU Ventures AB

GU Ventures is top-ranked by UBI Global Index as one of the world's 20 leading university-run incubators. We build businesses out of groundbreaking ideas that help shape a better tomorrow. Our passionate team of company builders, financial experts, IP and legal talent ensure success for our companies. We commercialize new innovative business ideas with connections to the University of Gothenburg, which is one of northern Europe's largest universities. Our mission is to finance and develop new innovations, which leads to the utilization of research and skills, renewal of the business community, job creation and sustainable growth. Since our startingpoint in 1995, GU Ventures has developed over 200 new business ideas of which 130 are in business today and of which 12 are listed. Our portfolio consists of 70 companies and a handfull projects. In the latest survey, 87% of companies match the global sustainability goals set by the UN. GU Ventures is wholly owned by the Swedish state and managed by the University of Gothenburg. Feel free to read more at: www.guventures.com.


Martin Olovsson

Martin Olovsson

VD OnDosis AB +46 767 728501

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