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Talkamatic adds Personal Mobility Assistant to SIMPLI-CITY

The GU Ventures Incubator Company Talkamatic AB in Gothenburg, expert in Dialogue Management systems, has finalized their contribution to the Pan-European project of SIMPLI-CITY. The so-called Personal Mobility Assistant (PMA) is now a fully integrated part of the larger project, enabling European road users to use modern and highly flexible voice dialogue interaction to use multiple applications whilst travelling and moving around.

“It was with great excitement that we accepted the invitation autumn 2013 to join the European SIMPLI-CITY project”, states Mr. Fredrik Kronlid, Managing Director at Talkamatic AB. “And according to plan, our PMA now allows the end-users to interact with all the offered services in a truly intuitive, precise and non-distracting way.”

“Having the results at hands, it feels we have succeeded very well in this project”, adds Mr. Alexander Berman, Head of Technology at Talkamatic. “With voice-activation now taking pace all over the world we are proving more and more our unique way of handling voice is superior to standard methods. The separation of domain specific information from standard human dialogue behaviour allows a way of interaction that is much more intuitive to all potential end clients. This means that our integrated TDM solution supports very smooth application interaction without distracting the drivers.”

The European SIMPLI-CITY project was set-up to enable a wide range of mobility-related services. The project ambition has been to present real-world applications. This is realized in two dedicated use cases. The first one to meet the general increased mobility demand, where use cases show how users can be helped in their journeys to big events and also provides the innovative topic “personalised traffic restrictions”. The second one is focused on enhancing the driving experience in order to enhance environmental friendliness, as well as dedicated comfort and leisure services like media streaming.

Talkamatic AB is based on research from the department of Linguistics, Philosophy and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg. The business idea is to build and sell multi modal Dialogue Systems based on research on human dialogue. Ready to use solutions are available for System Integrators, corporate users looking for an integration platform for voice servies as weel as smartphone App developers (Android, iOS, MS).

For more information:

Mr. Fredrik Kronlid, MD Talkamatic AB. Phone: +46 703 602 190;

Email: Fredrik@talkamatic.se




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Melisha Linnell

Melisha Linnell

Presskontakt Kommunikatör /administratör GU Ventures administration/kommunikition
Klementina Österberg

Klementina Österberg

Presskontakt VD, GU Ventures AB +46 (0)31-786 51 53

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