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It's time for Connect2Capital 2018 next week!

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It's time for Connect2Capital 2018 next week!

Will you attend Connect2Capital 2018, February 7-8 in Gothenburg? We hope to see you there!

As a proud partner to Connect2Capital and the Connect team, GU Ventures will be arranging the Life Science track this year.

GU Ventures mission is to commercialise innovative ideas and structure them into viable and sustainable businesses that deliver economic and social benefits. Simply put, we invests in and support new businesses in our incubator. When requested to arrange the Life Science track at Connect2Capital this year, GU Ventures didn't hesitate.

- It is a great honour to be part of such an amazing opportunity, and to support our companies to meet investors and attract financing. It has been a pleasure to work and to coordinate the event together with the project team of Connect as well as other eventpartners, says Klementina Österberg, CEO of GU Ventures.

GU Ventures have put together an interesting schedule for the Life Science track and invited the following speakers, to inspire you:

-> Johan Öberg, Boston Consolting Group, Managing Partner

Johan Öberg is the managing partner of BCG in Sweden, a core member of the global healthcare practice and also leads the BCG Private Equity Practice globally. He has spent the last 18 years supporting life science clients on a broad spectrum of topics, as well as investors into this space.

-> Ingrid Teigland Akay, MD MBA,

Ingrid Teigland Akay is a life science investor and medical doctor. She is the founder and Managing Partner of Hadean Ventures, a life science investment firm with a particular focus on the Nordics. She previously served as a Senior Investment Manager at the global life science fund Inventages in London. Over the last decade she has invested into and worked with portfolio companies in the healthcare sector across Europe, US and Asia. Hadean is one of the first fund investments made by the stately owned Saminvest AB in Sweden.

-> Jan Mattsson, Albireo Pharma, Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer & Managing Director

Jan Mattsson has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, covering a range of functions including R&D, business development, R&D operations and management. Prior to co-founding Albireo, he held various project leader and management positions at AstraZeneca, primarily in gastrointestinal R&D. Dr. Mattsson holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry.

Photos: Klementina Österberg will be moderating the Life Science track with Key Note Speaker Johan Öberg, Ingrid Teigland Akay, and Jan Mattsson.

-> Company pitches

Three companies have been selected to present on stage, OnDosisToleranzia and a newly founded cancer diagnostics company. 

They will be interviewed by Lennart Ohlsson, General Partner and originator of the investment process at STOAF, a business angel network founded and based in Stockholm. Lennart Ohlsson has written 15 books regarding Best Practices Venture Capital strategy and how to apply it the best way in Sweden and attain sustainable growth.

We hope to see you next Wednesday!

For more details, please check the C2C Eventsite & Website here:


Here follows some information regarding the conference tool (matching service) for Connect2Capital. This tool helps you get an overview of the attendees, the program and confirm requested meeting. You can also request meetings yourself.

Access for investors

To get access please follow the instructions below:
1. Register via this link, http://connect2capital.org/register-now/
2. Choose the alternative Investor Pass3. Update your personal and company profile. Specify what type of companies you are looking for
4. Choose the time slots you are available for meetings with companies
5. Make sure you are tagged as “investor”

1-2-1 meetings – for companies and investors
The official 1-2-1 meetings (10 min per company) and pitch sessions are not running the same time as the program. Other meetings are booked via e-mail through the matching service.

Pre-booked 1-2-1 meetings
There is a separate meeting room reserved for these meetings and you have a table reserved in this area. Each timeslot is 10 min per company.

Investor get-together
As investor, when you register, you will be invited to a separate after work, investors only, on the 7th of Febr, 17:40 at Bon Bon Bar (restaurant floor) followed by dinner.

We have an offer at the hotel if you wish to stay close to the conference. More information and booking code at http://connect2capital.org/about/venue/

Participating investors
You find some of the confirmed investor here, http://connect2capital.org/investors/

Project Team at Connect2Capital 2018
If you have any question please contact:
stina.jernhed@connect2capital.org and alexandra.bjork@connect2capital.org

Open Invitation





onnect operates in regional networks and is a private initiative without profit interest funded primarily by our business partners. Connect's mission is to act as a link and create meeting places between entrepreneurs, industry experts, researchers and investors. Through this, knowledge, experience and contacts can be transferred between new and established companies.

Connect provides growth companies with growth capital by recruiting, organizing and training investors in Sweden's largest investment network. Through our Investment Meetings and our digital platform, we accelerate and simplify individual or syndicated investments.

Connect has its origins in California, USA. Since the start of 1986, the University of California, San Diego, has run Connect with the purpose of early linking entrepreneurs with enterprise-developing resources that have capital and expertise. In 1996, the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and the Swedish Venture Capital Association SVCA Went to the United States where they came into contact with Connect. Two years later, the idea was launched to start a similar activity in Sweden at a meeting at IVA in Stockholm. As a result, Connect Sweden was formed in 1998.

Connect2Capital is one of Swedens and the Nordics fastest growing events where investors and entrepreneurs go to meet, network, get inspired and do business. Situated right in the middle of the entrepreneurial hubs of Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen, Gothenburg is the perfect spot to converge upon for two eventful days filled of great opportunities.The event is hosted at Clarion Hotel Post – a truly unique hotel and venue. Connect2Capital is the forum that offers start-up and scale-up companies, investors and other actors in funding the ideal place to meet in an efficient and inspiring way. The forum is featuring emerging technology companies across various streams such as ICT, Industry, Life Sciences Technology and more.

About GU Ventures

GU Ventures AB is fully owned by the Swedish state and is managed since 1998 by the University of Gothenburg. The mission is to commercialise ideas in connection to the operations at the University of Gothenburg and to deliver economic and social benefits. To ensure this, GU Ventures builds and invests its own funds in new businesses, which are actively supported in the GU Ventures incubator that provides business development and administrative support. With over 140 new businesses established, that have lead to over 30 exits and 11 IPOs already, UBI Global Index has top ranked GU Ventures for its incubation and investment operations. Please visit: www.guventures.com


Melisha Linnell

Melisha Linnell

Presskontakt Kommunikatör /administratör GU Ventures administration/kommunikition
Klementina Österberg

Klementina Österberg

Presskontakt VD, GU Ventures AB +46 (0)31-786 51 53

GU Ventures skapar mer samhällsnytta av forskningsresultat

GU Ventures bygger företag av banbrytande idéer som kan forma en bättre morgondag och är topprankad av UBI Global Index som en av världens 20 ledande universitetsdrivna inkubatorer. Vi finansierar och utvecklar nya innovativa affärsidéer med kopplingar till Göteborgs universitet, som är ett av norra Europas största universitet. Vårt uppdrag är att kommersialisera dessa innovationer, så att det leder till användning av forskning och kompetens, förnyelse av näringslivet, skapande av jobb och hållbar tillväxt. Vårt passionerade team av företagsbyggare, finansexperter, IP och juridisk talang supporterar dedikerat våra företag och säkerställer deras framgång.

Sedan startpunkten 1995 har GU Ventures utvecklat över 240 nya affärsidéer, varav 140 bedriver verksamhet idag och varav 15 är listade. Vår portfölj består av 80-tal innehav och ett antal projekt.

I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

GU Ventures AB

Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11A vån 2
41126 Göteborg