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Från vänster: Per Setterberg, VD Iscaffpharma, samt Sara Rhost, Lead scientist Sortina Pharma
Från vänster: Per Setterberg, VD Iscaffpharma, samt Sara Rhost, Lead scientist Sortina Pharma

Pressmeddelande -

Iscaffpharma and Sortina pharma enter a collaboration agreement to generate cure for cancer

GU Ventures sprider nyheter och information kring verksamheten, sina bolag, samt alumnibolag.


Nyhetens sammanfattning:

Med det avtal som nu har ingåtts mellan Iscaffpharma och Sortina Pharma kan mer effektiva produkter för att bota aggressiv bröstcancer genereras. Sortina Pharma, som utvecklar en ny medicinsk behandling, kan nu dra nytta av Iscaffpharmas unika teknik som ger läkemedelsfingeravtryck som förutsäger effekterna hos människor för nya cancerläkemedel.

Resterande pressmeddelande följer på engelska:


With the agreement that has now been concluded between Iscaffpharma and Sortina Pharma, more effective products to cure aggressive breast cancer can be generated. Sortina Pharma, which is developing a new medical treatment, can now benefit from Iscaffpharma's unique technology. This provides a drug fingerprint predicting the effects in humans for new cancer drugs.


Success rates in oncology development remains at a challenging low level compared with other diseases, with a likelihood of approval from phase 1 at only 5,1%. This indicates that the pre-clinical models need to be more accurate. In the research at Iscaffpharma, the human cancer micro environment has been proved to push the cancer cells to adapt and create features that are responsible for the aggressiveness of cancer. Today’s preclinical models lack the influence of the tumor environment and therefore does not create an accurate understanding of these aggressive features.

Iscaffpharma has developed a unique technology using patient derived scaffolds (PDS) with preserved micro environment for drug screening purposes. The drug fingerprint that is created has a strong link to the possible effects a cancer treatment would have in humans. 

Examples of analyses in the scaffolds include:

  • Drug resistance
  • Proliferation
  • Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)
  • Differentiation
  • Stem cell features

Sortina Pharma is developing a new medical treatment for patients with aggressive breast cancer as the first indication. This treatment will be able to prevent and treat spreading and recurrence of disease by targeting the cancer stem cells which are unaffected by current treatments.


Sortina Pharma has under the agreement the right to use Iscaffpharma´s technology in their lead generation program in order to obtain functional lead structures binding to their target with effect on aggressive cancer. Sortina Pharma will, with the Iscaff technology, be able to accelerate the development of new small molecules for the treatment of patients with aggressive breast cancer.

- “Following the success Iscaffpharma’s technology has on Sortina Pharma’s development and their struggle to cure cancer makes us proud. We can truly fight aggressive cancer together” agrees Per Setterberg and Sara Rhost.

Development support

Iscaffpharma offers development support for drug screening and validation of new oncology drugs in solid cancer. Our technology increases success rates for cancer pharmaceutical projects by:

  • Identifying new targets and validation of targets
  • Creating a unique fingerprint predicting drug effect on aggressive and recurrent cancer (Indicating effect on phase 3 endpoints)
  • Mimicking true human environment, in vivo like model.
  • Cost effectively improving the relevance of preclinical screening
  • Reducing the need for animal testing

For more info please contact:

Per Setterberg 

CEO, Iscaffpharma 



Sara Rhost 

Lead scientist, Sortina Pharma






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GU Ventures is top-ranked by UBI Global Index as one of the world's 20 leading university-run incubators. We build businesses out of groundbreaking ideas that help shape a better tomorrow. Our passionate team of company builders, financial experts, IP and legal talent ensure success for our companies. We commercialize new innovative business ideas with connections to the University of Gothenburg, which is one of northern Europe's largest universities. Our mission is to finance and develop new innovations, which leads to the utilization of research and skills, renewal of the business community, job creation and sustainable growth. Since our startingpoint in 1995, GU Ventures has developed over 200 new business ideas of which 130 are in business today and of which 12 are listed. Our portfolio consists of 70 companies and a handfull projects. In the latest survey, 87% of companies match the global sustainability goals set by the UN. GU Ventures is wholly owned by the Swedish state and managed by the University of Gothenburg. Feel free to read more at: www.guventures.com.


Per Setterberg

Per Setterberg

VD, Iscaff Pharma AB +46 70-2159928

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I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

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