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First patient recruited into Alzinova’s phase 1b clinical study with the oligomer-specific ALZ-101 vaccine against Alzheimer’s disease

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First patient recruited into Alzinova’s phase 1b clinical study with the oligomer-specific ALZ-101 vaccine against Alzheimer’s disease


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Alzinova AB (publ) (FN STO: ALZ), a Swedish biopharma company developing treatments of Alzheimer’s disease by specifically targeting neurotoxic amyloid-beta oligomers, today announces that the first patient has been recruited into its phase 1b clinical study with ALZ-101 in Finland.

"It is very satisfying that ALZ-101 has now entered clinical testing in an area with such a huge unmet medical need. We are looking forward to continuing the development of this potential disease-modifying treatment with the long-term goal to treat and prevent the onset and progression of this devastating disease,” says Kristina Torfgård, CEO of Alzinova AB.

More about the study
The Phase 1b clinical study with ALZ-101 in patients with early Alzheimer’s disease is a placebo-controlled, double blind, randomised First In Human (FIH) trial. It will evaluate the vaccine candidate’s tolerability and safety.

It will also study the immunological response to the vaccine after multiple doses, as well as a number of biomarkers associated with Alzheimer’s disease. In total, 26 patients will be included in the study. The study participants will receive four doses of either ALZ-101 or placebo. The study investigates two different dose strengths of ALZ-101 during a treatment period of 20 weeks. Topline data for the study is anticipated in the second half of 2023.

The clinical trial is being carried out in Finland by Alzinova’s partner, Clinical Research Services Turku (CRST), who have extensive experience in Alzheimer’s studies. The analysis of biomarkers will be made through a research collaboration with Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.

For more information, please contact:
Kristina Torfgård, CEO
tel: +46 708 46 79 75
E-mail: kristina.torfgard@alzinova.com

This information is information that Alzinova AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 3:01 pm CEST on October 29, 2021.

About Alzinova AB
Alzinova AB is a Swedish clinical-stage biopharma company specializing in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease targeting neurotoxic amyloid-β oligomers. The lead candidate, ALZ-101, is being developed as a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of Alzheimer's. Alzinova’s proprietary AβCC peptide™ technology enables the development of disease-modifying therapies that target the toxic amyloid-β oligomers involved in the onset and progression of the disease with high precision. Alzheimer’s is one of the most common and devastating neurological diseases globally, with of the order of 40 million people afflicted today. In addition, the antibody ALZ-201 is in early preclinical development, and the ambition is to expand the pipeline further. The company’s Certified Advisor on Nasdaq First North Growth Market is Corpura info@corpura.se +46 768-532 822. For more information about Alzinova, please visit: www.alzinova.com




About GU Ventures AB

GU Ventures builds businesses out of groundbreaking ideas that help shape a better tomorrow and is top-ranked by UBI Global Index as one of the world's 20 leading university-run incubators. We finance and develop new innovative business ideas with connections to the University of Gothenburg, which is one of northern Europe's largest universities. Our mission is commercialize the innovations, which leads to the utilization of research and skills, renewal of the business community, job creation and sustainable growth. Our passionate team of company builders, financial experts, IP and legal talent are dedicated supporters of our companies and ensure their successes. Since our starting point in 1995, GU Ventures has developed over 200 new business ideas of which 130 are in business today and of which 14 are listed. Our portfolio consists of 70 holdings and some projects. In the latest survey, 87% of companies match the global sustainability goals set by the UN. GU Ventures is wholly owned by the Swedish state and managed by the University of Gothenburg. Feel free to read more at: www.guventures.com.


Kristina Torfgård

Kristina Torfgård

VD, Alzinova +46 70 846 79 75

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