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Dont miss out on Inclusive Business Forum 2021 tomorrow!

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Dont miss out on Inclusive Business Forum 2021 tomorrow!


GU Ventures share news and information about the business, its companies, and alumni companies.


Tomorrow is the big day for Inclusive Business Forum 2021. At this year’s Forum Inclusive business invite you to explore how to build inclusive and sustainable global value chains. You have the opportunity to be inspired by the amazing Speaker line-up, participate in online Call to Action workshops with inspiring inclusive business leaders and participate in one-to-one Matchmaking meetings with actors from business, civil society, academia and government from around the globe!

To get tickets KLICK HERE

Unsustainable business practices, the climate crisis and the global pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the deep systemic fragilities in global value chains. These frailties have impacted not only supply chains, but also the millions of people who rely on these value chains for their livelihoods. Companies that do not adequately address the social and environmental impacts of their activities are likely to remain at risk to future shocks and challenges.

Re-building resilient and future-proof value chains is key for securing long-term business success and making real progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The Inclusive Business Forum will challenge participants to collaborate on transforming value chains towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

An action-based event

Calls to Action

Participate in online workshops focused on specific Calls to Actions to accelerate inclusive and sustainable value chains and business initiatives.


Connect with and schedule one-to-one online meetings with participating investors, entrepreneurs and partners from around the globe.

Headline Speakers

Organisers and Funders

The Forum is brought to you by Inclusive Business Sweden with the support of the Inclusive Ventures and Innovations Against Poverty programmes.

Inclusive Ventures accelerates West Swedish SMEs to fast-growing developing markets with the ambition to make West Sweden a national hub for inclusive business. It is led by Inclusive Business Sweden with the support of our great partners and funders RISE, Johanneberg Science Park, EU European Regional Development Fund and Västra Götalandsregionen.

Innovations Against Poverty challenges the private sector to develop products, services and business models that contribute to the fight against poverty and climate change. Innovations Against Poverty is managed by SNV in collaboration with Inclusive Business Sweden and Bopinc with the funding support of Sida.

EWA-förening collaborates and supports in the Forum to bring a perspective on gender-equality and women-empowerment.




About GU Ventures AB

GU Ventures builds businesses out of groundbreaking ideas that help shape a better tomorrow and is top-ranked by UBI Global Index as one of the world's 20 leading university-run incubators. We finance and develop new innovative business ideas with connections to the University of Gothenburg, which is one of northern Europe's largest universities. Our mission is commercialize the innovations, which leads to the utilization of research and skills, renewal of the business community, job creation and sustainable growth. Our passionate team of company builders, financial experts, IP and legal talent are dedicated supporters of our companies and ensure their successes. Since our starting point in 1995, GU Ventures has developed over 200 new business ideas of which 130 are in business today and of which 14 are listed. Our portfolio consists of 70 holdings and some projects. In the latest survey, 87% of companies match the global sustainability goals set by the UN. GU Ventures is wholly owned by the Swedish state and managed by the University of Gothenburg. Feel free to read more at: www.guventures.com.


Mike Debelak

Mike Debelak

Executive Director Inclusive Business +46 (0) 761 855 655

GU Ventures skapar mer samhällsnytta av forskningsresultat

GU Ventures bygger företag av banbrytande idéer som kan forma en bättre morgondag och är topprankad av UBI Global Index som en av världens 20 ledande universitetsdrivna inkubatorer. Vi finansierar och utvecklar nya innovativa affärsidéer med kopplingar till Göteborgs universitet, som är ett av norra Europas största universitet. Vårt uppdrag är att kommersialisera dessa innovationer, så att det leder till användning av forskning och kompetens, förnyelse av näringslivet, skapande av jobb och hållbar tillväxt. Vårt passionerade team av företagsbyggare, finansexperter, IP och juridisk talang supporterar dedikerat våra företag och säkerställer deras framgång.

Sedan startpunkten 1995 har GU Ventures utvecklat över 240 nya affärsidéer, varav 140 bedriver verksamhet idag och varav 15 är listade. Vår portfölj består av 80-tal innehav och ett antal projekt.

I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

GU Ventures AB

Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11A vån 2
41126 Göteborg