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CELLINK publishes article about bioink together with world renowned scientists

The review article “A perspective on the physical, mechanical and biological specifications of bioinks and the development of functional tissues in 3D bioprinting” authored by CELLINK’s scientists Dr. Hector Martinez and Dr. Patrick Thayer in collaboration with world-renowned key opinion leaders in the fields of Biomaterials (Prof. David Williams at Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine, USA) and Tissue Engineering and 3D Bioprinting (Prof. Ali Khademhosseini at University of California-Los Angeles, USA) was recently published in the peer-reviewed Bioprinting journal. 

Bioprinting is a broad-spectrum, multidisciplinary journal that covers all aspects of 3D fabrication technology involving biological tissues, organs, and cells for medical and biotechnology applications. Dr. Anthony Atala at Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine is Editor-in-Chief.

This review article is first in its class to identify the current state of the art in bioinks and propose their classification based on their ultimate role in a 3D bioprinted construct, such as imparting biological functionality, serving as sacrificial material, or supporting and providing rigidity to complex constructs. Bioinks are the vital and basic building blocks for the fabrication of 3D bioprinted constructs. Thus, bioinks play key roles in structural support, adhesion, and differentiation of incorporated cells. CELLINK’s bioinks is what differentiates the company from other players in the field and as a provider of completely packaged systems with bioprinters, bioinks, and expertise, CELLINK can establish the standard in the industry. Find the article here

For further information, please contact:

Erik Gatenholm, VD
E-post: eg@cellink.com
Telefon: +46 73 267 00 00

Gusten Danielsson, CFO
E-post: gd@cellink.com
Telefon: +46 70 991 86 04


CELLINK has created one of the world's first universal Bioinks, today used by many of the world's most well reputed research institutions. A Bioink can be mixed with living cells to print functional human tissues and if future research is successful, eventually, complete human organs in so called 3D Bioprinters. CELLINK's universal Bioink shows excellent results and can be used in both CELLINK's proprietary 3D Bioprinters and in 3D Bioprinters developed by other operators. Mangold Fondkommission AB, tel: +46 (0) 8 5030 1550, is the Company's Certified Advise.

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Erik Gatenholm

Erik Gatenholm

CEO BICO +46 73-267 00 00

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