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Welcome to #greenUps industrial matchmaking: 210210!

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Welcome to #greenUps industrial matchmaking: 210210!

We, GU Ventures, Chalmers Ventures and Johanneberg Science Park, are proud to invite our #greenUps entrepreneurs to reverse pitches made by the industry and targeted one-on-one meetings between start-ups and industry. Are you interested to becoming a #greenUp, just apply for membership before the 10th of Febr - that is 210210! 

We welcome all green- and cleantech entrepreneurs to our 4th matchmaking event! This is where industry representatives pitch to startups and small-medium-sized companies and afterwards get to meet in separate one-on-one sessions. 

The startups that are invited, are from our #greenUps community and are looking for new partnerships. The industries are looking for fruitful collaborations and innovations.

As an industry representative, you have the possibility to tell the #greenUps audience about the specific opportunities you can offer for collaboration and compete to win the best pitch award.

In the running we already have: Volvo Cars, Siemens, SKF, Varberg Energi and Stena Recycling, which is by the way one of our previous pitch award winners.

You as a startup/SME entrepreneur are welcome to listen the pitches from our industrial partners telling you why you should collaborate with them, and after that, sell them your offerings in an exclusive setting.

DATE                 Wednesday, 10th of February, 2021
TIME                 09:30 - 16:30 (CET)
PLACE              Online on the b-match digital platform
COST                Free of charge
APPLY NOW     Limited places available

REGISTER HERE: https://greenups-2021.b2match.io/signup


MORNING SESSIONS 09:30 - 12:00 Introductions and reverse pitching

In this format, invited Industrial Partners introduce themselves in pitch-style with focus on the possibilities for collaboration. 5 min presentation followed by Q&A.


Sara Wallin
CEO Chalmers Ventures
Klementina Österberg
CEO GU Ventures

LUNCH BREAK 12:00 - 13:00

AFTERNOON SESSIONS 13:00 - 16:30 One-on-One meetings

These meetings are dedicated time between our #greenUps entrepreneurs and your chosen industrial partners. These meetings are short and informal with the purpose of finding out common and potential collaboration areas. Get inspired, get new insights and grow your professional network. Only startups can send meeting requests and your participation in this session depends on how many booked meetings you have.

For more information:

Elisabeth Gustafsson, GU Ventures, about pitching and participation, elisabeth.gustafsson@ventures.gu.se, +46 (0)70 - 858 04 39

Sofia Hjelmberg, GU Ventures, about the b2match platform, sofia.hjelmberg@ventures.gu.se, + 46 (0)73 - 941 47 63

About #greenUps

#greenUps is a cluster of clean- and greentech startups and SMEs of western Sweden. Its members are driven entrepreneurs that through innovative services and ingenious technologies have the mutual goal to change polluting, fossil dependent, inefficient ways and behaviors into more sustainable ones.

By joining the #greenUps community, you get access to a vast network of inspiring entrepreneurs, invitation to events that ranges from niched educational workshops to investor meetups etc. You will also be the first to know whenever the Swedish Energy Agency has important information on new grants or exciting events.

The #greenUps network and its activities are financed by the Swedish Energy Agency and hosted by three major innovation actors in Gothenburg, namely Johanneberg Science Park, GU Ventures and Chalmers Ventures. Together with other strategic partners we work to make Gothenburg the capital for green and clean innovation in Sweden.

Visit our homepage: http://greenups.se/ for more details.

Read here on how it works.

Organized with the financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency:

Swedish Energy Agency

Participating Industrial Partners:






Elisabeth Gustafsson

Elisabeth Gustafsson

GU Ventures Affärsutvecklare +46 (0)708 - 58 04 39

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GU Ventures skapar mer samhällsnytta av forskningsresultat

GU Ventures bygger företag av banbrytande idéer som kan forma en bättre morgondag och är topprankad av UBI Global Index som en av världens 20 ledande universitetsdrivna inkubatorer. Vi finansierar och utvecklar nya innovativa affärsidéer med kopplingar till Göteborgs universitet, som är ett av norra Europas största universitet. Vårt uppdrag är att kommersialisera dessa innovationer, så att det leder till användning av forskning och kompetens, förnyelse av näringslivet, skapande av jobb och hållbar tillväxt. Vårt passionerade team av företagsbyggare, finansexperter, IP och juridisk talang supporterar dedikerat våra företag och säkerställer deras framgång.

Sedan startpunkten 1995 har GU Ventures utvecklat över 240 nya affärsidéer, varav 140 bedriver verksamhet idag och varav 15 är listade. Vår portfölj består av 80-tal innehav och ett antal projekt.

I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

GU Ventures AB

Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11A vån 2
41126 Göteborg