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Olsaro is hiring!

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Olsaro is hiring!


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Do you have deep competence in molecular biology? And would you be triggered by a R&D role in an impact start-up aiming to adapt agriculture to climate change for global food security? Then we might be a match!

Who are we?

OlsAro Crop Biotech AB, an agtech start-up developing solutions to adapt agriculture to climate change. With salinity being one of the major abiotic stressors affecting crop plants worldwide, commercialisation of salt tolerant wheat lines is the initial target for OlsAros scaleup journey. With 9% of the world’s arable land and 20-50% of the world’s irrigated arable land that face challenges being used for crop cultivation due to high salinity, the market is massive. OlsAro are also working towards genetic events for salt tolerance as well as being an enabler of additional traits in wheat, such as nitrogen use efficiency and drought tolerance.

Who are you?

To support the ongoing global scaleup journey OlsAro are looking to strengthen the team with a Molecular Biologist with the following profile:

• You are a researcher with a PhD, or similar qualifications, within molecular biology and related areas like biochemistry, genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. Previous experience of plants and agriculture is a plus.

• You are able to work physically in Gothenburg and enjoy hands on lab work in combination with managing also other type of projects.

• You are a curious and positive person with great self leadership skills that enjoy finding creative ways to solve problems and move things forward.

• Apart from being detail oriented as a researcher you also have the ability and enjoy contributing to strategy processes where a holistic perspective is central.

• You are a team player and that believes that collaboration is key for success. You also feel safe in attracting and supervising students that can contribute to R&D development.

• You enjoy creating new contacts and business relationships and feel safe in contributing with the R&D perspective in dialogs.

• A plus if you have a commercial understanding and industry/start-up experience.

• You are eager to be part of a fun scale up journey.

What will you do?

You will join the current R&D team constituted by the two founders and our bioinformatician and focus on coordination and practical execution of ongoing and future applications, including:

• Gene expression analysis

• Development of genetic markers

• Development and application of new genetic and biochemical assays as well as general trouble shooting

• Cultivating and crossing plants in lab, also field work will occur

• Coordination and organisation of our population of seeds

• Project management and coordination of for instance field trials globally

• Take part in developing, coordinating, and execute on current R&D plans

• Take part of dialogs with customers for development of new projects

• Be part of research/public funding applications

• Attracting and supervising students

How will we team up?

You will be collaborating with a small but highly skilled and enthusiastic team including the CEO, Bioinformatician and also the two founders, both founders having deep research experiences in the agriculture sector. OlsAro is also supported by GU Ventures, one of the world’s leading incubators, with over 25 years of experience of turning budding ideas and scientific breakthroughs into thriving businesses.

Position details:

The position is full time and permanent, a six month probationary period will be applied. The position can be filled from February 1st, depending on the candidate’s availability.

Location: Gothenburg in our lab & office situated in the Gothenburg University facilities at Carl Skottbergs Gata 22 B. Please observe that physical attendance will be required for this role.

Application details

• Deadline for application: Submit you CV and Cover Letter by December 8th 2022 at latest. Applications will be evaluated continuously.

For more information and questions

Website: http://olsaro.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/olsaro

Elén Faxö, CEO: Elen.faxo@olsaro.com phone +46 (0)70 5396400





Elén Faxö

Elén Faxö

CEO OlsAro Crop Biotech AB 0705-396400
Sofia Ström

Sofia Ström

Business Development Sustainability GU Ventures +46 (0)70 - 713 11 50

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