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Job Opportunity: Project Employment at GU Ventures -> New Modality Support (NMS)

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Job Opportunity: Project Employment at GU Ventures -> New Modality Support (NMS)

In recent years, groundbreaking technologies in disease treatment have emerged, exemplified by national pharmaceutical initiatives such as OligoNova and CCRM Nordic. OligoNova focuses on therapeutic oligonucleotide drugs, while CCRM Nordic specializes in advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP).

New Modality Support (NMS) is a collaborative project involving OligoNova, CCRM Nordic and GU Ventures. It is designed to provide support for new modality innovations, facilitating their development. NMS serves as a guiding entity, fostering effective alliances with investors, service providers and the ecosystem. Collectively, NMS offers a larger critical mass of vital expertise to promote successful networking, knowledge exchange and deal flow.

We are currently seeking a part-time team member in the project who can coordinate collaboration with quality resources and partnerships. The role involves driving and activating networking activities with complementary organizations, as well as providing support with change communication and relevant content. The ideal candidate should have experience in roles related to communication, innovation and preferably within the startup and life science sector.

Given your proficiency in communication and networking, collaboration should come naturally to you. This capability extends to both your written and spoken English language skills.

Apply for this job HERE!

For questions, pls contact Carl-Peter Mattsson, Investment director, GU Ventures, carl-peter.mattsson@ventures.gu.se. We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis and only engage with those who have applied. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate inquiries or meetings before scheduling an interview due to time constraints.

About OligoNova:

OligoNova Hub at Core Facilities, University of Gothenburg is a national infrastructure for drug discovery and development, especially focused on therapeutic oligonucleotides. The mission of OligoNova Hub is to help transform fundamental scientific discoveries into new, innovative therapeutics for patient groups currently lacking appropriate treatment. OligoNova Hub is part of the SciLifeLab Drug Discovery & Development platform and supports academic researchers throughout Sweden with industry-level drug discovery expertise, capacities, and infrastructure. OligoNova Hub is one of four parts in a broader OligoNova organization. In addition to the hub, there are also Challenges, Network and New Modality Support. Together, all four parts will contribute to innovative solutions, new drug patents, start-up companies, and effective treatment for patients.

About CCRM Nordic:

CCRM Nordic is a not-for-profit infrastructure for commercialization of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) based on the Canadian CCRM model and formed as a public private partnership backed by the Swedish Innovation agency Vinnova, Västra Götalandsregionen and an industry consortium with major Swedish ATMP organizations such as AstraZeneca, CombiGene, Cytiva, Getinge, BICO and Verigraft, as well as local innovation actors such as GoCo Health Innovation City and GU Ventures. CCRM Nordic will accelerate commercialization of ATMPs and related technologies by providing specialized expertise and infrastructure.

About GU Ventures:

GU Ventures is the holding company at the University of Gothenburg. Functioning as both an incubator and investor, its primary goal is to develop new companies based on research findings and cutting-edge expertise from the University of Gothenburg. The mission is to ensure that the knowledge generated at the university serves the betterment of society. To date, GU Ventures has provided financing and initiated over 170 companies and numerous projects, resulting in more than 60 successful exits and 15 IPOs. Through active support, GU Ventures adds value to portfolio companies, fostering business, market and technological development as well as addressing intellectual property rights, managerial and organizational structures and financing. 98% of the incubator companies contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.





Klementina Österberg

Klementina Österberg

Presskontakt VD, GU Ventures AB +46 (0)31-786 51 53

GU Ventures skapar mer samhällsnytta av forskningsresultat

GU Ventures bygger företag av banbrytande idéer som kan forma en bättre morgondag och är topprankad av UBI Global Index som en av världens 20 ledande universitetsdrivna inkubatorer. Vi finansierar och utvecklar nya innovativa affärsidéer med kopplingar till Göteborgs universitet, som är ett av norra Europas största universitet. Vårt uppdrag är att kommersialisera dessa innovationer, så att det leder till användning av forskning och kompetens, förnyelse av näringslivet, skapande av jobb och hållbar tillväxt. Vårt passionerade team av företagsbyggare, finansexperter, IP och juridisk talang supporterar dedikerat våra företag och säkerställer deras framgång.

Sedan startpunkten 1995 har GU Ventures utvecklat över 240 nya affärsidéer, varav 140 bedriver verksamhet idag och varav 15 är listade. Vår portfölj består av 80-tal innehav och ett antal projekt.

I den senaste undersökningen matchar 87% av företagen de globala hållbarhetsmål som ställts av FN. GU Ventures ägs helt av den svenska staten och förvaltas av Göteborgs universitet. Läs gärna mer på: www.guventures.com.

GU Ventures AB

Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11A vån 2
41126 Göteborg