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Alzinova AB is looking to hire a CEO

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Alzinova AB is looking to hire a CEO


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Do you want to join a company that focuses on developing better treatments for people with Alzheimers disease? Are you a driven person looking to drive an exciting company and its business’ development forward?

Now the BioPharma company Alzinova AB is looking to hire a CEO.


What we offer

We offer an opportunity to join Alzinova which is a Swedish clinical-stage biopharma company specializing in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease moving into the commercialization expansion/scaling phase with unique technology based on research at Gothenburg with significant market opportunities, where you can drive the company and business’ development and direction. Alzinova is listed on First North stock exchange in Stockholm.

Skills & Requirements

We seek a CEO with a business development focus. We expect you to be an entrepreneur that scales the company and takes the company to the next level.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • To lay the basis for business/company development, including securing funding.
  • To identify and establish customer contacts across different applications.
  • To scale and develop the business strategy / model.
  • To set a roadmap for business and company development.
  • To continue to support ongoing clinical program
  • To establish partnerships.

We expect you to have:

  • An entrepreneurial and result-focused mindset with a strong drive.
  • Experience in business development.
  • Previous experience in working an environment of listed companies.
  • Previous experience in the field of medical research and development, healthcare industry or similar.
  • Interpersonal skills suited for leading a dynamic clinical-stage biopharma company.
  • Great communication skills in English and, preferably also Swedish.

Meriting skills include:

  • Experience from working in and ideally running and building a clinical-stage biopharma company.
  • Experience in negotiating and setting up agreements, e.g., licensing and partnerships.
  • A PhD/ bachelor’s / master’s degree in Life Science or business.
  • A passion for commercialize science.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Insight into product development.
  • Proven problem-solving skills.


About Alzinova

Alzinova is a listed Swedish clinical-stage biopharma company specializing in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease targeting neurotoxic amyloid-beta oligomers. The lead candidate, ALZ-101, is being developed as a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of Alzheimer's. Alzinova’s proprietary AβCC peptide™ technology enables the development of disease-modifying therapies that target the toxic amyloid-beta oligomers involved in the onset and progression of the disease with high precision. Alzheimer’s is one of the most common and devastating neurological diseases globally, with of the order of 40 million people afflicted today. In addition, the antibody ALZ-201 is in preclinical development, and the ambition is to expand the pipeline further.

For more information about Alzinova, please visit: www.alzinova.com




Anders Waas

Anders Waas

Business Development, GU Ventures AB +46708580461

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GU Ventures AB

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41126 Göteborg