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Happy winners at the Performing Arts Gala (Scenkonstgalan). From left: Joseba Yerro Izaguirre, Lee-Yuan Tu, Valērija Kuzmiča, Amanda Åkesson, Liselott Berg, assistant director Dance, and rehearsal director Ami Shulman. Photo: AnnaCarin Isaksson
Happy winners at the Performing Arts Gala (Scenkonstgalan). From left: Joseba Yerro Izaguirre, Lee-Yuan Tu, Valērija Kuzmiča, Amanda Åkesson, Liselott Berg, assistant director Dance, and rehearsal director Ami Shulman. Photo: AnnaCarin Isaksson

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GöteborgsOperans Danskompani wins “Magic of the Year” award

At the Swedish Performing Arts Gala GöteborgsOperans Danskompani was awarded the prize for “Magic of the Year”. The jury writes: ”We’re haunted by their physical poetry, their precision, their delicate interactions and their absolute focus. Time after time we experience unforgettable works of infinite beauty.”

It was at Saturday’s national annual Performing Arts Gala (Scenkonstgalan) that GöteborgsOperans Danskompani won the award in the “Magic of the year” category.

The jury’s motivation in full:

”We’re haunted by their physical poetry, their precision, their delicate interactions and their absolute focus. GöteborgsOperans Danskompani has taken the world by storm. Leading international choreographers travel many miles to the cold, wet city of Gothenburg for the chance to work with this magic company, made up of 38 dancers from all over the world. Time after time we experience unforgettable works of infinite beauty.

Extreme prowess and variety of expression and form. We’re amazed by their total precision, rhythm and devotion to their craft. We sit open-mouthed, losing all sense of time and space, and become enveloped in the magic worlds they open before us. An ensemble of multi-talented artists.”

More about the gala here (In Swedish) http://scenkonstguiden.se/arets-pristagare-scenkonstgalan-2017/

For press inquiries, please contact press@opera.se, +46 31 108035




Marie Branner

Marie Branner

Presskontakt Presskontakt 031-108035
Emil Rinstad

Emil Rinstad

Presskontakt Presskontakt 031-108068


GöteborgsOperan invigdes 1994 och är idag ett internationellt framstående operahus. 2022 belönades GöteborgsOperan med International Opera Awards allra första utmärkelse i kategorin Hållbarhet. Med sin breda repertoarmix av opera, samtida dans, musikal och konserter erbjuder GöteborgsOperan något för alla besökare. Välkommen till vårt spännande hus!


Christina Nilssons Gata
411 04 Göteborg