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Italy fell in love with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and Gustavo Dudamel!

The tour to France, Italy and Switzerland was a resounding success: six concerts in seven days in sold-out halls with raptured audiences.

The Gothenburg Symphony, The National Orchestra of Sweden, and its Honorary Conductor Gustavo Dudamel recently finished a concentrated and successful tour that once again established the g Symphony as a high-profile orchestra in Europe. The tour started at the Aix-en-Provence Easter Festival (led by Renaud Capuçon), continued to distinguished Italian concert halls and also included a performance at the La grande musica a Lugano festival in Switzerland.

The reception was overwhelming:

“Under Gustavo Dudamel’s dynamic leadership, the strings give us goose bumps of delight. It’s pure, exact and expressive, and all musicians respond immediately to the conductor. A rich and merry musical moment… With the assistance of the musicians he gives his reading an ideal volume, with much richness and fantastic detail. The strings are impressive and beautiful, with shimmering and sensitive ensembles. The wind players have a terrifying precision and the sound is full of beauty.” (Michel Egea, Destimed, Aix-en-Provence)

“The Gothenburg Orchestra closed the 68th season of Amici della Musica di Perugia with a roaring success. Audiences shouted out their ovations with roars… Gustavo Dudamel’s music making was filled with vital delicacy and softness, blending the orchestra sound in a delicate and transparent way.” (Stefano Ragni, Il Giornale dell’ Umbria, Perugia)

“You can’t stop admiring the strings’ precision, the beautiful themes and the lightness of the phrasing. The audience loved the performance.” (Sergio Zolli, InstArt, Udine)

“One rarely listens to something so technically perfect and expressive. Of course this is due to intrinsic qualities of the orchestra but also to an important contribution from the conductor… Despite the fact that the orchestra has many musicians, the sound was very light. There was instrumental precision. The harmony between orchestra and conductor was evident.” (Paolo Locatelli, OperaClick, Udine)

The tour included concerts in Aix-en-Provence (photo above), Udine, Lugano, Perugia, Brescia and Bergamo.

For more information, contact:

Stefan Nävermyr, +46-31-726 53 45  stefan@gso.se



Göteborgs Symfoniker, Sveriges Nationalorkester, bildades 1905 och består idag av 109 musiker. Från och med hösten 2013 är amerikanske Kent Nagano konstnärlig rådgivare och förste gästdirigent för Göteborgs Symfoniker. Under dirigenten Neeme Järvis ledning 1982-2004 etablerade sig orkestern efter internationella turnéer och drygt 100 skivinspelningar bland Europas främsta orkestrar. Denna utveckling tog ytterligare ett steg framåt med Gustavo Dudamel, chefdirigent 2007-2012, en av vår tids mest uppmärksammade dirigenter.


Jenny Svensson

Jenny Svensson

Presskontakt PR-ansvarig & redaktör 031-726 53 45

Göteborgs Symfoniker - Sveriges Nationalorkester

Göteborgs Symfoniker är Sveriges Nationalorkester. Orkestern spelar omkring 100 konserter varje år i Göteborgs Konserthus och bedriver också en bred verksamhet för barn och unga. Santtu-Matias Rouvali är chefdirigent för de 109 musikerna sedan säsongen 2017-2018. Under dirigenten Neeme Järvis ledning 1982-2004 etablerade sig orkestern efter internationella turnéer och drygt 100 skivinspelningar bland Europas främsta orkestrar. Denna utveckling tog ytterligare ett steg framåt med Gustavo Dudamel, chefdirigent 2007-2012.
Göteborgs Symfoniker är en del av Västra Götalandsregionen. Huvudsponsorer: Volvo och Göteborgs-Posten, huvudpartner Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur.

Göteborgs Symfoniker

Göteborgs Konserthus, Götaplatsen