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CEO Per Gavelius & UK Representative Emin Alibey
CEO Per Gavelius & UK Representative Emin Alibey

Pressmeddelande -

UK Representative

GO Sport Travel AB has today taken a further step in its development by establishing Emin Alibey as the UK Representative in London.

Emin Alibey holds the role in place in London and will represent the company in its continued venture in Europe and globally. Emin Alibey has a lot of experience within the hospitality sector after his 13 years at Arsenal FC.

"We see a big growth opportunity for GO Sport Travel, and Emin Alibey will contribute with his extensive experience of international contacts for the company's continued development of Overseas Clients, who travel to the UK for conferences, kick off and pure football experiences," says Per Gavelius, CEO of the company.

"Being represented in the UK gives the company greater flexibility, proximity to the European and the international markets and complementary local awareness of our onsite arrangements in the UK," concludes Per Gavelius.



GO Sport Travel specializes in sports and event travel to much of the world. The company has been in existence since 2001 and has its office in Örnsköldsvik - Sweden.

GO Sport Travel was founded in 2001 and is today one of the largest organizers of sports and event trips. With the great experience of GO Sport Travel, a large and qualitative network has been built to provide you with safe deliveries, flexible solutions and security during your trip. The broad expertise of GO Sport Travel gives you a wide range of quality products for customers as security for the customer is the keyword.

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GO Music Travel, part of G & O Sport Travel AB, stands for quality, safety and freedom of choice! The great experience the company has since its inception in 2001, gives you 100% confidence before and during the trip.

GO Music Travel helps you to experience London West End, Broadway and the major concerts in Europe live! You choose to book a complete flight package, or a hotel package. It's up to you what level of service you want for your music trip to be your ultimate experience! With us, you can always choose!


Per Gavelius

Per Gavelius

Presskontakt VD Ledning och utveckling 0660-211090

Relaterat innehåll

En av Sveriges största Event- och Sportresearrangör

GO Sport Travel är specialiserade på sport- och evenemangsresor till stora delar av världen. Företaget har funnits sedan 2001 och har kontor i Örnsköldsvik & i London.

GO Sport Travel grundades 2001 och är idag en av de största arrangörerna av sport- & evenemangsresor. Med den stora erfarenhet GO Sport Travel besitter, har ett stort och kvalitativt nätverk byggts upp som ger dig som kund säkra leveranser, flexibla lösningar och trygghet under din resa. Den breda expertisen hos GO Sport Travel ger dig som kund brett urval av kvalitativa produkter där trygghet för kunden är ledordet.


GO Music Travel, en del av G&O Sport Travel AB, står för kvalitet, trygghet och valfrihet!
Den stora erfarenhet bolaget besitter sedan starten 2001, ger dig som kund 100% trygghet före och under resan.

GO Music Travel hjälper dig som vill uppleva London West End, Broadway och de stora konserterna i Europa live! Du väljer att boka ett komplett flygpaket, ett hotellpaket eller enbart evenemangsbiljett. Det är helt upp till dig vilken nivå av service du önskar för att din musikresa ska bli din ultimata upplevelse! Hos oss har kan du alltid välja!

GO Sport Travel / GO Music Travel

Lasarettsgatan 12
891 33 Örnsköldsvik