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GWP advocating for water at Bonn climate change talks

The Global Water Partnership is participating in the UNFCCC Climate Change talks in Bonn 1-11 June 2010 as a follow-up to its participation in COP 15, continuing its advocacy for placing water management at the heart of the climate change adaptation agenda. At COP-15, despite widespread examples cited by country delegates and prominent speakers illustrating how people will experience the effects of climate change through water, the negotiators did not discuss the crucial subject of what adaptation entails and thus missed the central role of water.

GWP will have a side event on Monday 7 June under the theme of "Water, Adaptation and Development "Towards water security and climate resilience in support of national development." The programme of the event is available here: http://www.gwpforum.org/gwp/library/GWP_SideEvent%20Announcement_Bonn2010.pdf

GWP is also a co-convenor of Water Day on 2 June, a full day of dialogue, discussions and presentations highlighting the role of water in the context of climate change. The Water Day is organised by the Water and Climate Coalition, an initiative of the Stockholm International Water Institute and the Stakeholder Forum. Read more here: http://www.siwi.org/documents/Resources/Events/Water_Day_Agenda_2_June.pdfhttp://www.gwpforum.org/gwp/library/GWP_SideEvent%20Announcement_Bonn2010.pdf


  • Miljö, energi


  • cop 15
  • climate change
  • global water partnership
  • vatten
  • vattenresurser
  • water
  • water resources managment
  • water scarcity


  • Stockholm


Steven Downey

Presskontakt Head of Communications Communications +46 (0)8 522 126 52

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