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Sparkling new year

Sparkling new year

New year's eve is just around the corner! Elevate your party outfit by adding one or two statement pieces. Find all the sparkling jewelry and accessories you need in one of our stores or online!
Find our collection of party pieces linked below. For affiliate/adlinks we are working with APPRL.

Sparkling new year

Sparkling new year

New year's eve is just around the corner! Elevate your party outfit by adding one or two statement pieces. Find all the sparkling jewelry and accessories you need in one of our stores or online!
Find our collection of party pieces linked below. For affiliate/adlinks we are working with APPRL.

Sparkling new year

Sparkling new year

New year's eve is just around the corner! Elevate your party outfit by adding one or two statement pieces. Find all the sparkling jewelry and accessories you need in one of our stores or online!
Find our collection of party pieces linked below. For affiliate/adlinks we are working with APPRL.

Sparkling new year

Sparkling new year

New year's eve is just around the corner! Elevate your party outfit by adding one or two statement pieces. Find all the sparkling jewelry and accessories you need in one of our stores or online!
Find our collection of party pieces linked below. For affiliate/adlinks we are working with APPRL.

Om Glitter

Glitter är en smyckes- och accessoarkedja med 153 butiker i Norden samt E-handel. Glitter grundades år 1992 och är en del av Bergendahl Fashion som ägs av Bergendahl & Son AB.


Peter Myndes Backe 12
118 46 Stockholm

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