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A unique venture – surplus energy from a new data center in Sweden is transformed into district heating

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A unique venture – surplus energy from a new data center in Sweden is transformed into district heating

Today GleSYS started supplying district heating to Falkenberg Energi. In this unique collaboration, surplus energy from the newly constructed data center on Sweden’s West Coast is recycled and used to generate district heating. The venture has the potential to heat 1,700 residential buildings while simultaneously reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1,570 tonnes – every year.

The fast-growing data center industry currently accounts for two percent of the world’s annual carbon emissions and three percent of its electricity consumption. Just five years from now, the corresponding figures are estimated to be a staggering 5.5 and 20 percent, respectively.

The hosting company GleSYS represents a new generation of infrastructure providers offering efficient cloud solutions through modern and environmentally friendly facilities. Now the company has opened the West Coast’s largest data center, which is not only outfitted for heat recovery but is also powered by 100 percent renewable energy. The entire facility has been designed with a consistent focus on the environment and sustainability.

— With the increasing impact of the data center industry on the climate, it is more important than ever to be as sustainable as possible, even if it requires going the extra mile. Recovering the waste heat from our data centers is the biggest contribution we can make. In doing so, we’re taking on a leading role in the Nordic market, says Glenn Johansson, CEO of GleSYS.

In addition to the financial benefits of recovering waste heat from the data centers, the collaboration is also of great environmental value. By recovering waste heat, carbon emissions are expected to be reduced by the equivalent of 1,570 tonnes per year.

— The incorporation of this type of third-party supplier in the district heating network is a giant leap for heat recovery in Falkenberg, and benefits both the environment and the inhabitants of the municipality, says Bo-Anders Antonsson, CEO of Falkenberg Energi.

— By taking advantage of the waste heat from GleSYS' server halls, we increase the share of recycled energy in our heat production, which means that the municipality also limits its climate emissions, Bo-Anders continues.

The recovered heat has the potential to heat 1,700 residential buildings in the municipality, and the energy from the waste heat may amount to as much as 26 GWh annually – equivalent to 25 percent of Falkenberg’s total district heating production.

Contact details

Glenn Johansson
+46 346 738 800

Bo Anders Antonsson
Ceo, Falkenberg Energi
+46 346 886 732

About GleSYS

GleSYS AB offers IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in industries with high accessibility and uptime demands, such as e-commerce and cyber security. The company owns and operates two of its own data centers (in Falkenberg and Stockholm), and offers cloud services in Oslo, Amsterdam and London. GleSYS also acts as an internet service provider via an extensive European fibre network. Headquartered in Falkenberg, the company also has offices in Malmö and Stockholm and currently has 40 employees. The company’s turnover is approximately SEK 110 million (2019), with good growth.

GleSYS AB is certified according to ISO standards for quality management (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001) and information security (ISO 27001).

About Falkenberg Energi

Falkenberg Energi AB is a municipally owned company with one of the strongest environmental profiles of any Swedish energy company. In 2019, the company was honoured with the “Most Satisfied Corporate Customers in Electricity Trading” award (according to the Swedish Quality Index), as well as the Företagarna Falkenberg business association’s Sustainability Prize. The company’s work is founded on its vision: “Energy for a sustainable future”. Falkenberg Energi is constantly developing its operations in electricity trading, electricity networks and district heating in order to best meet the needs of its customers. The company has 45 employees and a turnover of approximately SEK 140 million (2019). The corporate culture is characterised by an informal spirit and a “can-do” attitude, with a focus on cooperation based on the common core values.

Data Center – Specifications

  • Timeline: 2019 – completed 2020
  • Location: Kanslistvägen 12, Falkenberg, Sweden (Map)
  • Size: Total surface area of 4,000 square meters
  • Utility Power: 3 MW
  • Security: Data center is designed according to best practices and in conformity with Tier II specifications (Uptime Institute). 24/7 Remote monitored alarm system with automatic security and emergency services call-out protocols.
  • Certification: ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 under completion.
  • Electricity Supply: Redundant power supply. Energy from renewable sources – eco-labeled "Good Environmental Choice" by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
  • Power and Environment: Generators run on environmental fuel EcoPar®. UPS Configuration N+1. Cooling Configuration N+1.
  • Fire Protection: VESDA® early detection system and suppressant 3M Novec™ 1230 – an environmentally responsible extinguishing agent.
  • Connectivity: High-performance connectivity using GleSYS’ resilient, low-latency redundant backbone. International capabilities.

Relaterade länkar




Glenn Johansson

Glenn Johansson

CEO and founder +46 346 738 800

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Ett av Sveriges ledande hostingbolag

GleSYS, grundat 1999 i Falkenberg är en av Nordens ledande leverantörer av serverhosting och nätverksinfrastruktur. Vi har över 4 000 kunder i 70 länder och är den enskilt största hostingleverantören till svensk e-handel.

Idag driver vi tre egna datacenter i Sverige och Finland, och erbjuder cloudtjänster från våra partnerdatacenter i Amsterdam, London och Oslo. Med en omfattande europeisk nätverksinfrastruktur förser vi företag med IP-transit, transport och företagsinternet.

Vårt uppdrag är att lösa våra kunders hostingbehov, så de kan koncentrera sig på att skapa förstklassiga tjänster åt sina slutanvändare. Läs mer på glesys.se.


Box 134
31122 Falkenberg