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Grammy Award winner Johan Dalene becomes Artist in Residence with the Gävle Symphony Orchestra

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Grammy Award winner Johan Dalene becomes Artist in Residence with the Gävle Symphony Orchestra

Violinist Johan Dalene have long been on a roll, and at the last Swedish Grammy Awards, he won in the Classical of the Year category. Now we can happily announce that Dalene will be Artist in Residence with the Gävle Symphony Orchestra for the 2023-2024 season.
During the season, Dalene will play Sibelius' Violin Concerto together with Gävle Symphony Orchestra's former chief conductor Jaime Martín, and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2 with the orchestra's new chief conductor Christian Reif.

Roza Nolcheva, Director of Programming and Artistic Planning for Gävle Symphony Orchestra, says:
“The orchestra’s relationship to Johan Dalene has been building over several years, and his amazing artistry has been shining through in every single one of his performances here in Gävle. We think that his unique talent is complemented by the musicianship of our orchestra members, and that is why we wanted to present our mutual joy of performing together in a special way.
Having Johan as artist in residence will give us an opportunity to explore each other’s musical worlds, to dive deeper into an exploration of ideas and sounds and to present our audience with a special insight in who Johan Dalene is as an artist.
The three concerts that will feature him in the season will include some of the master works of the violin literature; the concertos of Sibelius and Prokofiev with our former and new chief conductors Jaime Martin and Christian Reif respectively. He will also play a chamber music concert with some of the orchestral musicians which will show a different side of him and our orchestra members and a rare opportunity for the audience to experience a different repertoire.”

About Johan Dalene
22-year-old violinist Johan Dalene impresses internationally with his musical brilliance. With an ability to " masterfully make his Stradivarius sing" he has won followers all over the world. Johan has already performed with many prominent orchestras and in famous concert halls. His future offers exciting solo assignments engagements and chamber music highlights. With his outstanding recordings and prestigious awards, amongst them Gramophone Young artist of the year, Johan has established himself as one of the most talented violinists of his generation.



Sedan invigningen 1998 har Gävle Konserthus varit den naturliga arenan i Gävle för Musik, Mat och Möten. Konserter, kongresser, konferenser, event, middagar och föreställningar samsas med Gävles skönaste utsikt. I konserthuset har även Gävle Symfoniorkester, som firade 100 år 2012, sin hemmascen. 


Roza Nolcheva

Roza Nolcheva

Programchef Gävle Symfoniorkester 070-167 59 35

Gävle Konserthus

Sedan invigningen 1998 har Gävle Konserthus varit den naturliga arenan i Gävle för Musik, Mat och Möten. Konserter, kongresser, konferenser, event, middagar och föreställningar samsas med Gävles skönaste utsikt. I konserthuset har även Gävle Symfoniorkester, som firade 100 år 2012, sin hemmascen. Chefdirigent för orkestern är den karismatiske, i London boende, spanjoren Jaime Martín.

Gävle Konserthus

Kungsbäcksvägen 22
801 37 Gävle