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Organisationer som är ledande inom hybrida moln har fyra gånger så stor chans att nå snabb digital transformation, visar Fujitsus undersökning.

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Organisationer som är ledande inom hybrida moln har fyra gånger så stor chans att nå snabb digital transformation, visar Fujitsus undersökning.

I korthet:
  • En klar strategi för hybrida molnlösningar är en framgångsfaktor; det ökar chansen att accelerera den digitala transformationen fyra gånger.
  • Ledare inom hybrida molnlösningar har haft det dubbelt så lätt att hantera utmaningar under Covid-pandemin. De har även det dubbelt så lätt att samarbeta med tredjepartsleverantörer inom transformation och outsourca hanteringen av sin hybridlösning.

Stockholm 21 mars , 2022 – Organizations with a strategic approach to hybrid cloud adoption are four times more likely to have achieved accelerated digital transformation (DX), according to new research commissioned by Fujitsu.

The finding comes from a new report, Unlocking the Secrets of the Hybrid Cloud Leaders, based on global research among 300 respondents conducted by Longitude, a Financial Times company1. All companies interviewed who had a holistic hybrid cloud strategy — a group designated as “leaders” by the report’s authors — agreed they had accelerated their business transformation. This was in stark contrast to just 24% of those classified as followers. The research also found that leaders were more than twice as resilient in coping with workforce challenges during the Covid pandemic.

Today, almost all organizations use some cloud-based business applications and realize the benefits of scalability, adaptability, and cost. While a small minority has adopted a “cloud-only” strategy, most gain impact from cloud investment alongside their existing applications and infrastructure – a so-called “hybrid cloud” approach.

In terms of behavioral characteristics, hybrid cloud leaders are twice as likely as followers to collaborate with a third-party supplier to help with their hybrid cloud transformation – according to the survey – and more than twice as likely to outsource hybrid cloud management. This points to the willingness to leverage the deep expertise of a specialist third-party like Fujitsu in implementing cloud transformation instead of going it alone.

The research findings have informed the launch by Fujitsu of its new Cloud Managed Services a holistic suite of cloud management services to help customers accelerate digital transformation, initially for Microsoft Azure, with AWS and VMware services to follow later in 2022.

Who are the hybrid cloud leaders?

The researchers identified hybrid cloud leaders based on four key attributes:

  • Leaders align hybrid cloud strategies with their business-wide transformation agendas. - They are nearly three times more likely to align IT strategies with business transformation agendas, helping create competitive advantage through their hybrid infrastructure.
  • Leaders evolve their hybrid cloud management to facilitate growth and reduce risk. - Leaders are 60% more confident they can manage security and 75% more confident about managing compliance across their hybrid environment.
  • Leaders empower their talent to maximize value from the next-generation hybrid cloud. - The leaders’ group is less concerned about the challenges of hiring new talent, with 42% of followers seeing this as a concern against only 27% of leaders.
  • Leaders deploy emerging technologies seamlessly and at scale. - Leaders are nearly twice as confident they can use their hybrid infrastructure to leverage emerging technologies. Leaders are twice as confident that they can modernize apps and workloads to optimize performance, twice as likely to be able to build apps once and deploy across environments than the followers, and have 50% greater confidence in the scalability of their infrastructure.

Shunsuke Takagi, Senior Director, Hybrid IT Global Offering Lead at Fujitsu, comments: “It’s clear from the research commissioned by Fujitsu that it’s vital to have a holistic hybrid cloud strategy for any organization to achieve digital transformation. It’s also clear that one unmistakable hallmark of a leader is the willingness to outsource hybrid cloud management and work with a third party.

That’s why I’m pleased announce the global availability of Fujitsu’s Cloud Managed Services. By providing a holistic suite of cloud management services for Microsoft Azure, AWS and VMware, Fujitsu helps customers accelerate digital transformation. These services are delivered by Fujitsu’s global experts, working with customers to ensure that they can build agility, create cost efficiencies and strengthen resilience, equipping them to drive transformation and build new connections with customers and citizens.”

Pricing and availability

Fujitsu’s Cloud Managed Services are available immediately for Microsoft Azure users, with AWS and VMware services to follow later in 2022. Pricing varies according to customer specifications. To discuss options and pricing, existing customers should contact their account manager. New customers can find out more via ask@fujitsu.com.

Notes to editors

1 Longitude interviewed at least 100 regional respondents from each of North America, EMEA and APAC regions. 10% of respondents held C-suite roles.

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Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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