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Nya generationen PRIMERGY-servrar från Fujitsu ger mer prestanda, förstärkt säkerhet och lägre driftskostnader

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Nya generationen PRIMERGY-servrar från Fujitsu ger mer prestanda, förstärkt säkerhet och lägre driftskostnader

München, 31 mars 2016 – Fujitsu lanserar idag nya och uppdaterade produkter i PRIMERGY-familjen av servrar. Samtliga produkter i PRIMERGY-serien uppdateras med stöd för Intels Xeon E5-2600 v4-processorer och stöd för DDR4-minne vilket ökar prestandan med upp till 20 procent jämfört med den tidigare produktgenerationen. Med hjälp av Fujitsus teknologi Cool-safe® Advanced Thermal Design kan servrarna garantera säker drift i högre temperatur vilket minskar driftskostnaden, och säkerhetslösningen Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 skyddar IT-infrastrukturen effektivt från angrepp och gör det enkelt för systemet att validera kommunikation och kryptering av data.

Fujitsu lanserar också den nya rackservermodellen PRIMERGY RX2510 M2 som är skapad för att passa hosting- och tjänsteleverantörers speciella behov.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.

New Fujitsu PRIMERGY Servers Bring Tailored Top-Performance and Improved Energy Savings

News facts:

  • New line-up of PRIMERGY servers provide approximately 20 percent more performance1 withIntel® Xeon® E5-2600 v4 processors and support for DDR4 memory technology
  • New rack server model PRIMERGY RX2510 M2 designed for service providers and hosters
  • Fujitsu Cool-safe® Advanced Thermal Design and Trusted Platform Module 2.0 features save cooling costs and increase security

Munich, March 31, 2016 – Fujitsu today announces a full refresh of its PRIMERGY dual-socket server line up from tower servers to nodes for high performance computing clusters, delivering new levels of performance combined with greater energy savings than ever before.

Despite IT challenges being the same across industries, Fujitsu recognizes there is no one-size-fits-all approach to the question of data center infrastructure. In line with its concept of Business-Centric Computing, Fujitsu’s broad portfolio and unique, consultative approach is designed to ensure that customers are able to choose server options that are an exact fit for their organization’s requirements. The new PRIMERGY line-up includes classical towers, racks, blades and slimline nodes for clusters, and dedicated rack models for service providers and hosters. The broad line-up provides a flexible enough choice to meet the needs of businesses large and small, across all vertical markets.

Uwe Neumeier, Vice President and Head of Data Center, EMEIA Product Business at Fujitsu, says: “You wouldn’t construct a building without solid foundations. It’s the same when you construct your ICT infrastructure. Data centers need to support our customers’ business requirements and business models. In our digital age, IT enables businesses to be more competitive, efficient and effective. Our X86 server line is a key enabler to businesses and supporting ICT processes, especially in the software defined data center space: Whether it’s in a medical practice, for an ERP system in a production plant or the collaboration platform connecting a global workforce. Without a solid business centric data center foundation, no enterprise can expect to enjoy the consistency and flexibility it needs to stay competitive and excel.”

Refreshed with newly released Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v4 product family processors with DDR4 memory technology with up to 2,400 MHz frequency, Fujitsu’s new-generation PRIMERGY dual-socket servers remain at the forefront of performance, boasting approximately 20 percent more system performance in comparison to the previous generation. This claim is backed by seven current benchmark world records1, demonstrating that Fujitsu dual-socket servers are not just fast in processing the workload at hand, but can also achieve this with an outstanding performance/energy consumption ratio.

Fujitsu PRIMERGY customers also enjoy reduced energy costs for system cooling thanks to Fujitsu’s Cool-safe® Advanced Thermal Design, with the threshold for safe operation raised from 40°C to 45°C for most available rack, tower and scale-out systems. The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 option means IT infrastructure is further protected against attack, since the system is able to verify communication and manage encryption of data.

In support of the new-generation servers, Fujitsu has produced a video highlighting how the broad PRIMERGY server portfolio helps to tackle the diverse needs and challenges of customers from small local offices to big global acting corporations across industries. The video, on YouTube, is entitled Healthcare? Manufacturing? Education? Whatever, PRIMERGY serves your business best!.

Supporting quotes

Alexander Kolesnikov, IT Director, Basel Aero

“After a thorough evaluation of competing solutions, it became clear to us that Fujitsu equipment fully satisfied all of our requirements, combining an affordable price with the functionality tailored to our day-to-day needs.”

Laksana Tri Handoko, Deputy Head of Department of Engineering Science, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

“Fujitsu’s family of PRIMERGY servers delivered a powerful and flexible data center solution that allows us to perform complex scientific calculations, reduce the risk of critical data loss and lower our overall TCO.”

Pricing and availability

FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY systems are available directly from Fujitsu and via distribution partners. Prices vary by region, model and configuration.

Notes to editors

In detail, Fujitsu has refreshed the following systems: PRIMERGY RX2510 M2, RX2530 M2, RX2540 M2 and RX2560 M2

The PRIMERGY RX rack systems are versatile rack-optimized servers providing best-in-class performance and energy efficiency. Outstandingly low failure rates make them the perfect choice for running services vital to the daily business ranging from optimal systems for applications such as ERP systems in production facilities or core business apps. With focus on the needs of service providers and hosters Fujitsu also introduces the new PRIMERGY RX2510 M2.


The PRIMERGY TX tower systems are robust and cost-efficient servers designed for use in the office space. Simple IT operations make them easy be handled by non-technically trained staff. And thanks to low power consumption and their quiet operation TX dual socket systems are the first choice for demanding office environments like branch offices or medical practices. Equipped with the new Trusted Platform Module 2.0 as standard, the TX systems ensure that system and sensitive data are save from harm.

PRIMERGY BX2560 M2 and BX2580 M2

The PRIMERGY BX blade systems the building bricks for converged IT infrastructures. Based on a modular architecture, blade systems excel in terms of density and scalability. This helps companies to simplify their infrastructure, achieve significant cost reductions and increase flexibility. Like an airport running from check-in to air traffic control all essential services and on top its internal platforms to communicate and collaborate based on just on one flexible system.

PRIMERGY CX2550 M2 and CX2570 M2

The PRIMERGY CX scale-out systems are specifically built for cloud computing scenarios, high performance computing, and complex calculations, just typical workloads for scientific environments such as universities and research institutions. Benefitting from Cool-safe® Advanced Thermal Design which allows problem-free operation by up to 45 degrees Celsius, the CX systems ease the issue of data center ventilation and help saving cooling costs.

1)In comparison to previous generation system

2)Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers hold the following benchmark world records:

SPECfp_rate_base2006 (Tie)

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M2 with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 256 GB memory, running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, C/C++: Version of Intel C++ Studio XE for Linux; Fortran: Version of Intel Fortran Studio XE for Linux

Score: SPECfp_rate_base2006 = 1100, SPECfp_rate2006 = 1130

Source: http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=a398416d-5599-435e-b35d-3be52ee0c467

SPECint_rate_base2006 (Tie)

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2560 M2 with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 256 GB memory, running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, C/C++: Version of Intel C++ Studio XE for Linux

Score: SPECint_rate_base2006 = 1760, SPECint_rate2006 = 1830

Source: http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=35eb35f4-8dc8-479a-af16-aa8b283fceb0

SPECpower_ssj2008 Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2560 M2 with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 64 GB memory, running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, JVM version: Oracle Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.80-b11, mixed mode), version 1.7.0_80Score: 12,079 overall ssj_ops/watt

Source: http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=911561d3-37fb-4869-b60a-ba547afee43b

SAP Server Power

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M2 with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 512 GB memory, running Windows Server* 2012 R2 Standard Edition, SQL Server* 2012, SAP* enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0. Score: 4.28 watts/kSAPS.

Source: The SAP certification number was not available at press time but will be listed at www.sap.com/benchmark.

VMmark V2 Performance Only

VMmark V2 Performance with Server Power

TPC-E Price/Performance

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M2, matched pair, each with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 512 GB memory, running VMware* ESXi 6.0.0 U1b Build 3380124 and vCenter Server 6.0.0 Build 3018524; Fibre Channel SAN storage.

VMmark V2.5.2 Score: 34.74 @ 28 Tiles.

Source: http://www.vmware.com/a/assets/vmmark/pdf/2016-03-31-Fujitsu-RX2540M2.pdf

Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M2, matched pair, each with two Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v4, 512 GB memory, running VMware* ESXi 6.0.0 U1b Build 3380124 and vCenter Server 6.0.0 Build 3018524; Fibre Channel SAN storage.

VMmark V2.5.2 PPKW Score: 38.3065 @ 28 Tiles.

Source: http://www.vmware.com/a/assets/vmmark/pdf/2016-03-31-Fujitsu-RX2540M2-serverPPKW.pdf

FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY RX2540 M2 the OLTP benchmark TPC-E. With the actual Intel two socket 22-core CPU Xeon E5-2699 v4 this benchmark results increase previous TPC-E of PRIMERGY RX2540 M1 with two socket 18-core E5-2699 v3 CPU by +26 percent.

With 4734.87 tpsE at a price / performance ratio of $111.65/tpsE PRIMERGY RX2540 M2 with Intel Xeon E5-2699 v4 achieved the second best result of 2-socket servers submitted with TPC-E and the overall best price / performance ratio (as of March 31, 2016).

Date of submission was March 31, 2016, availability date is July 31, 2016.

Competitive SPEC® benchmark results stated in this presentation reflect results published as of March 31, 2016. For the latest SPEC® benchmark results, visit the result pages for the different benchmarks on http://www.spec.org or http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/benchmarks/.

The SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Standard Application Benchmark performed on several dates by Fujitsu in Paderborn, Germany, was certified by SAP on behalf of the SAP Benchmark Council.. Further information can be found at http://global.sap.com/solutions/benchmark/sd2tier.epx.

The VMmark results were achieved by FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY systems. Full test results including system specification, further details and current results can be found at: http://www.vmware.com/a/vmmark/. Comparisons reflect the status as of March 31, 2016. VMware and VMmark are trademarks or registered trademarks of VMware, Inc. VMware® VMmark® is a product of VMware, Inc. VMmark utilizes the SPEC Power and Temperature Daemon (SPECPTDaemon), which is available from the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC®). VMmark results are not SPEC metrics and cannot be compared to SPEC metrics in any way.

The reflected TPC-E benchmark comparisons reflect results published as of March 31, 2016. For more information and specific tested configurations as well as all results, please refer to the official TPC web pages: http://www.tpc.org/tpce/default.asp as well as http://www.tpc.org/tpce/results/tpce_results.asp and http://www.tpc.org/tpce/results/tpce_price_perf_results.asp for the respective results.

Mer information

Läs mer om PRIMERGY-familjen: www.fujitsu.com/PRIMERGY
PRIMERGY på YouTube: Healthcare? Manufacturing? Education? Whatever, PRIMERGY serves your business best!
Läs Fujitsus blogg:http://blog.ts.fujitsu.comFölj Fujitsu på Twitter:https://twitter.com/Fujitsu_GlobalFölj oss på LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/company/fujitsu-swedenFölj oss på Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/FujitsuSverigeFujitsus bildbank och mediaresurser :http://mediaportal.ts.fujitsu.com/pages/portal.phpFujitsus nyhetsrum på MyNewsdesk:http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/fujitsu


Susanne Carlsson
Senior Marketing Manager, Fujitsu Sverige

+46 (0)73 978 82 78


Wissam Moussa
Datacenterspecialist, Fujitsu Sverige

+46 (0)10 122 07 72


About Fujitsu

Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company, offering a full range of technology products, solutions, and services. Approximately 159,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. Fujitsu Limited (TSE: 6702) reported consolidated revenues of 4.8 trillion yen (US$40 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015. For more information, please see http://www.fujitsu.com.



Om Fujitsu

Fujitsu i Sverige är en ledande leverantör av tjänster, lösningar och produkter inom IT och kommunikation. Fujitsu erbjuder outsourcing, konsulttjänster samt en heltäckande portfölj av IT-lösningar, såväl i Sverige och Norden som globalt. Svenska Fujitsu har närmare 1 000 anställda och kontor över hela landet. Kunder finns inom såväl den privata som offentliga sektorn; bland annat inom bank och finans, detaljhandel, industri, telekom samt centrala myndigheter. Fujitsu Sverige är en del av Fujitsu-gruppen, ett av världens största IT-företag med cirka 159 000 anställda globalt i över 100 länder och med huvudkontor i Tokyo, Japan. Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) rapporterade en konsoliderad intäkt på 4,8 biljoner yen (40 miljarder USD) för räkenskapsåret som avslutades den 31 mars 2015. För mer information vänligen besök: http://se.fujitsu.com


Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

Välkommen till Fujitsu Sverige

Fujitsu Sverige är en del av Fujitsu-koncernen, ett av världens största IT-tjänsteföretag. Fujitsu erbjuder outsourcingstjänster, konsultkompetens samt en heltäckande portfölj av IT-lösningar inom digitalisering och IT som gör verksamheter hållbara och mer effektiva. Svenska Fujitsu har närmare 600 medarbetare över hela landet med kunder inom såväl privat som offentlig sektor.

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