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Fujitsu ETERNUS DX S4 ger nya möjligheter med förbättrad prestanda

Munich, May 10, 2017 – Fujitsu today doubles the capacity of data that can be protected by its entry-level ETERNUS DX S4 hybrid storage range, introducing performance and capacity upgrades across the line-up. For the second time in just 12 months, Fujitsu is unchaining the amount of affordable storage capacity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with an increase to an enormous 4,055 TB of data.

The new ETERNUS DX S4 line-up, consisting of ETERNUS DX60 S4, DX100 S4 and DX200 S4 systems, brings new levels of performance and capacities within reach of SMEs for the first time. SMEs can now stay on top of storage costs while still managing aggressive data growth. Developed specifically for the SME market, the Fujitsu ETERNUS DX S4 line-up provides the peace of mind associated with constant data protection for an always-on business in the digital world. The storage systems take regular data snapshots, as well as providing backup and recovery – underlined with the highest levels of built-in system security to prevent unauthorized access to valuable business data. Business continuity is boosted thanks to a data availability increase to 99.9999 percent – representing less than one minute of unplanned downtime per year.

Extensive use of intelligent automation makes ETERNUS DX S4 systems simpler to set up and use for smaller organizations where technical support is often in short supply. Automation features include powerful storage technologies such as deduplication – which saves disk space by keeping only one copy of commonly-stored data1. Files used regularly are stored on flash drives, for fast access, while data that is needed only infrequently is held on cheaper hard drives, via automated storage tiering. The systems are even intelligent enough to move data between flash and disk drives, depending on usage2. In addition, the ETERNUS DX S4 family provides SMEs with automated quality of service management and failover, taking care of complex storage management tasks. And Fujitsu guarantees ETERNUS DX compatibility with larger ETERNUS systems, making it easier to manage systems and possible to transfer drives between systems.

Olivier Delachapelle, Head of Enterprise Business, Category Management Data Center at Fujitsu in EMEIA, says: “Every business today depends on data, whether it is a supermarket, a hotel or a furniture store – for the supply chain, for processing orders, for promoting goods and services, and for back office functions such as invoicing, taxation and payroll. Low levels of IT expertise and high dependency on technology can be a toxic combination – which is why Fujitsu is focusing on making backup and data protection easier with the new ETERNUS DX line-up, designed for the unique needs of smaller businesses, and for branch offices. In the latest generation, the Fujitsu ETERNUS DX S4 ensures that the right backup technology delivers the optimum balance of functionality, scalability and cost.”

The new ETERNUS DX S4 provides customers with even greater value. As their data grows, customers can rely on the ETERNUS DX S4 to keep pace, all the way to 4,055 TB of data – enough to store 33 individual copies of the entire 20-year archive of images collected by the Hubble space telescope3. Even the smallest of the three new systems, the ETERNUS DX60 S4, can store up to 480 TB. The latest upgrade has also increased system performance to handle up to three times more transactions, boasts an outstanding IOPS performance of up to 250.000, response times of less than one millisecond and it is now possible for twice the number of users to connect simultaneously. The fourth-generation systems can also host 50 percent more virtual machines than before.

Pricing and availability
The Fujitsu ETERNUS DX60 S4, DX100 S4 and DX200 S4 models are part of the comprehensive family of ETERNUS DX disk storage systems and are now globally available via distribution partners and directly from Fujitsu.

Notes to editors
1 Depending on model, data reduction technologies can be applied flexibly to storage volumes at no extra cost, giving SMEs the option of easily balancing performance and capacity efficency. ETERNUS DX models also provide automation to create a balance of the most efficient usages of solid state drives and hard disk drives (automated storage tiering), to prioritize response times on volume level (automated quality of service management) and to enable automated failover, should a storage system or a complete IT installation fail. Automated failover works not only between ETERNUS DX entry-level systems, but also with midrange and high-end ETERNUS DX systems, and ETERNUS AF all-flash systems. System management software is also fully compatible between all ETERNUS DX and AF models, ensuring operational efficiency for customers operating more than one system.

2 Full support for hybrid storage arrays means the ability to mix and match solid state drives and traditional hard disk drives in the same disk array, enabling the benefits of both read-write performance from all-flash drives and the price-per-capacity economies of disk drives. The choice of hybrid arrays helps keep storage costs in check. The new Fujitsu ETERNUS DX S4 systems can automatically allocate data to flash or disk in line with preferences including data type, size and frequency of access. As a result, customers can enjoy the best of both worlds, combining the speed of flash with the economic advantages of disk.

3 Source: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/story/index.html

Online resources
Visit the ETERNUS DX S4 page: http://www.fujitsu.com/global/microsites/eternus-dx-s4
Read the Fujitsu blog: http://blog.ts.fujitsu.com
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Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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