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Den finska myndigheten för IT och kommunikation väljer Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 för digital transformation

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Den finska myndigheten för IT och kommunikation väljer Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 för digital transformation

Stockholm, 15 februari 2017: Valtori, finska statens center för informations- och kommunikationsteknik, har valt Fujitsus publika och privata molnplattform Cloud Service K5 för framtagandet av sitt E-myndighetsinitiativ. Målet med initiativet är att skapa en centraliserad plattform för att centralisera och implementera framtida IT-tjänster för medborgare i olika kommuner. K5 valdes av Valtori då den, utöver att vara flexibel och kostnadseffektiv, erbjuder full integration och support med de finska myndigheternas existerande it-infrastruktur.

För mer information, se nedanstående pressrelease och vid frågor kontakta:

Björn Landerberg
Head of Marketing and Communications
+46 (0)739 733 603

Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 Selected by Government ICT Centre Valtori in Finland as Basis for Digital Transformation of IT Services

Government ICT Centre Valtori is standardizing on Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 as the basis for its new E-Government initiative, providing a central platform for the supply, support and implementation of future IT services for citizens of local municipalities. The use of K5 public and virtual private cloud is pivotal to Valtori’s plans to centralize and manage IT services and applications provided by partner agencies, and will digitally transform the use of secure government applications across public administrations in Finland.

Following a competitive tender process, Valtori selected Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 based on its agility and cost effectiveness. With a goal of a fast transition through digital transformation, to a new landscape of digital services, Valtori was attracted by K5’s capabilities in enabling the development and deployment of new cloud-native applications. K5 also provides full integration with and support for Finland's existing government IT infrastructure, through seamless and consistent integration into new cloud applications. This ensures that Finnish citizens will experience a seamless and disruption-free transition to new cloud-based digital government services.

Valtori plans to take advantage of K5’s powerful capabilities in the areas of application integration and development, to achieve greater operational efficiency. It will also tap into the wider capabilities of the Fujitsu MetaArc portfolio that includes automated multi-cloud delivery and management across all popular cloud platforms.

Pasi Lehmus, CEO of Valtori, comments: “It was important for us to use an open source and affordable cloud service to help us to develop and experiment with new digital environments that will extend to Finnish citizens without the worry of huge expenditure, or overhauling legacy systems. Furthermore, K5 will enable us to work easily with partner agencies that provide essential services to our administration, which is just one of the many advantages of public cloud services. We anticipate that it will be faster to deploy application upgrades, for example. And since services are priced per user, we can avoid separate procurement costs.”

Mikko Lampinen, Head of Public Sector and Healthcare Sales at Fujitsu Finland, says: “Our resilient Cloud Service K5 is based on two Finnish data centers powered by renewable energy, and provides a K5 hub across the Nordic region, in addition to being part of our fast-growing global cloud service which meets even the toughest challenges and data security needs of government agencies. K5 offers government organizations a wide selection of tools that they can use to independently and quickly develop and deploy new cloud applications, while further elements of the Fujitsu MetaArc portfolio will allow the utilization of big data and artificial intelligence, to name just two examples, as part of Finnish government services in the future.” 

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Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) rapporterade en konsoliderad intäkt på 4,7 biljoner yen (41 miljarder USD) för räkenskapsåret som avslutades den 31 mars 2016. För mer information vänligen besök: http://se.fujitsu.com


Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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