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Fujitsus lagringslösning ETERNUS DX200 S3 slår prestandarekord i prisklassen

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Fujitsus lagringslösning ETERNUS DX200 S3 slår prestandarekord i prisklassen

29 januari 2014: Fujitsu har offentliggjort resultaten av prestandatestet SPC Benchmark-1 som genomförts av oberoende experter från Storage Performance Council (SPC). Dessa resultat visar att Fujitsus instegssystem ETERNUS DX200 S3 kan mäta sig framgångsrikt med flashbaserade lagringslösningar i högre prisklasser.

ETERNUS DX200 S3 är erbjuder flexibel och modulbaserad lagring för små och medelstora företag. Lösningen tillgängliggör kostnadseffektiv big data-analys och andra prestandaintensiva operationer för företag som inte har råd att investera i större lagringssystem.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.


ETERNUS DX200 S3 är tillgänglig idag. Priser varierar utifrån konfiguration..

Mer information


Björn Landerberg, Head of Marketing and Communications 
tel. 073-973 36 03
e-mail: bjorn.landerberg@se.fujitsu.com

Mattias Källman, AxiCom PR
tel. 08-545 131 57
e-mail: mattias.kallman@axicom.com


Entry-Level Fujitsu Business-centric Storage Delivers Breakthrough in Enterprise-Class Performance Levels

Munich, January 29, 2014 – Fujitsu today announces that its entry-level ETERNUS DX200 S3 flexible modular disk storage systems are able to deliver enterprise-class performance levels, taking the crown as the world’s fastest data retrieval and access speeds in the mid-range Dual Controller Storage Arrays sector.

As confirmed by the publication of the latest SPC Benchmark-1 from the Storage Performance Council1, Fujitsu’s latest generation of entry-level systems, focused on delivering Business-centric Storage, have again set best-in-class benchmark performance.

With the ETERNUS DX200 S3, Fujitsu brings affordable big data analytics on high-performance systems within reach of small and mid-size businesses, even when restricted by limited budgets. Thanks to one of the industry’s highest levels of price-related system performance, the Fujitsu ETERNUS DX200 S3 ensures that running compute resource-intensive real-time business analytics is more affordable than ever.

Pricing and availability

The full range of ETERNUS DX S3 systems and ETERNUS SF16 management software are generally available with immediate effect, sold directly and via Fujitsu Channel Partners. Prices vary depending on configuration.

Notes to editors

-  With the latest SPC Benchmark-1 from the Storage Performance Council, Fujitsu ETERNUS DX200 S3 has beaten all mid-range Dual Controller Arrays and also some multi-controller enterprise class storage systems in terms of IOPS, $/IOPS and response time.

-  The Storage Performance Council (SPC) is a vendor-neutral standards body focused on the storage industry. It created the first industry-standard performance benchmark targeted at the needs and concerns of the storage industry. SPC benchmarks provide a rigorous, audited and reliable measure of performance. Further information is available online at http://www.storageperformance.org/

-  With a response time of 0.63 milliseconds at 100 per cent load the ETERNUS DX200 S3 achieved the highest scores ever in the history of the SPC-1 benchmark.

-  As it is able to run more than 200,000 SPC-1 IOPS, Fujitsu’s entry-level system plays in the same league as much higher-priced mid-range and enterprise systems, with a similar level of performance to many all-flash arrays.

-  The dual-controller ETERNUS DX200 S3 offers an outstanding price performance level of US $0.77 / SPC-1 IOPS.

-  Fujitsu subscribes to SPC Benchmark testing as a valid and independent way for customers to judge performance results; http://www.storageperformance.org/specs  

-  The SPC Benchmark-1 test program is designed to simulate business critical applications processing many complex transactions. Pseudo-operational workloads of Online Transactions (OLTP), database operations, and mail systems are recreated to measure random access read/write performance




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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