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Fujitsu utvecklar sitt serverutbud för den digitala världen

Stockholm, 12 juli, 2017 – Fujitsu lanserar i dag en ny uppsättning PRIMERGY-servrar och affärskritiska serversystem till PRIMEQUEST-portföljen, designade för de skalbara Intel® Xeon® processorerna. De kombinerar prestanda, flexibla konfigureringsalternativ och optimerad systemdesign för att möta de förändrade hanteringsbehovet av data i en allt mer digitaliserad värld, med avancerade beräkningar och artificiell intelligens. De senaste modellerna erbjuder en plattform för att bygga säkra, agila och molnbaserade datacenter.

PRIMERGY CX400 M4 kombinerar formfaktorn och effektiviteten hos en bladserver, med enkelheten och kostnadseffektiviteten av ett rackbaserat system. Servern passar väl in i infrastrukturen för virtuella miljöer, högpresterande datahantering (HPC) samt molnbaserade och hyperkonvergerade nätverk och lagringsmiljöer.

De nya PRIMERGY-servrarna och PRIMEQUEST-systemen kommer med Intel® Xeon® processorer och är designade för arbetsspecifik prestanda och hårdvarusäkerhet, med en tydlig förbättring i I/O, minne, lagring och nätverksteknik.

- Digitaliseringen blir allt mer central i affärsverksamheten och företag eftersträvar en skräddarsydd uppsättning av tekniska lösningar kopplat till moln, mobil, Internet of Things och dataanalys. Den ökade kravbilden på digitalisering och datahantering medför att existerande datacenter utsätts för stora påfrestningar och har svårt att leva upp till kraven. Som svar på det har vi utvecklat våra systemprogram för PRIMERGY och PRIMEQUEST, vars mål är att erbjuda våra kunder en omfattande serverportfölj som möter kravbilden som ställs på moderna serversystem, säger Olivier Delachapelle, Head of Enterprise Business, Category Management Data Center på Fujitsu EMEIA

- Med kombinationen av Intels och Fujitsus teknologier kan vi erbjuda våra gemensamma kunder datacenterprodukter som ligger rätt i tiden och möjliggör för dem att bättre kunna ta tillvara på den digitala transformationen. Våra skalbara Intel® Xeon® processorer levererar högre prestanda, skalbarhet, smidighet och säkerhet för att ytterligare accelerera transformationen, säger Jennifer Huffstetler, Senior Director, Data Center Product Management på Intel.

För mer information, se pressmeddelandet nedan.

Susanne Carlsson,
Senior Marketing Manager, Fujitsu Sverige
Tel: +46 (0)73 978 82 78
e-post: Susanne.carlsson@se.fujitsu.com

Fujitsu Innovates Server Portfolio for the Computing Demands of a Digital World

Fujitsu today announces the availability of its new, fully refreshed range of dual- and quad-socket PRIMERGY servers and octo-socket PRIMEQUEST business critical server systems designed for Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. These combine exceptional performance, flexible configuration options, and optimized system designs to meet the changing computing demands driven by digitalization, including advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence. With its latest server models, Fujitsu offers a full set of workload-optimized servers that make a perfect foundation for building secure, agile, multi-cloud data centers: the IT architecture for a human-centric, digital world.

Representing some of the biggest platform advancements of the decade, the latest server innovations are spearheaded by the multi-node Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY CX400 M4, which offers workload-specific computing power in a compact and modular form factor. The PRIMERGY CX400 M4 combines the density and efficiency of blade-like servers with the simplicity and cost efficiency of rack-based systems, and presents a versatile and future-oriented platform for building integrated systems and software-defined technologies. It is ideal for modular and density-optimized server infrastructures in virtual environments, for high-performance computing, cloud and hyper-converged network and storage environments.

Featuring the new Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, the entire new generation of Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST Business model server systems1 are designed for exceptional workload-specific performance and hardware-enhanced security. Built for trusted data service delivery, the new models represent significant leaps in I/O, memory, storage and network technologies. On top of their powerful performance and efficiency, the next-generation servers are optimized with a rich feature set to suit the broadest range of application scenarios across a range of industries, including core and business-critical digital business processes and databases, hyper-converged systems, cloud and virtual environments, and data-rich applications such as real-time big data analytics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Olivier Delachapelle, Head of Enterprise Business, Category Management Data Center at Fujitsu EMEIA, says: “Digital technology is now at the heart of most businesses, as organizations leverage an individually tailored set of connected technologies such as cloud, mobile, the Internet of Things, and data analytics. This brings new computing and performance demands that hugely impact existing data center infrastructures. As businesses need to gather, process and store more data, they need to act faster and with more flexibility and agility. Servers are a crucial part of this digital transformation. This is why we have developed our new PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST system line-ups to offer a comprehensive portfolio of powerful server systems for all usage scenarios, company sizes and workloads – systems that are easily able to handle whatever performance demands you make of them. Choosing these new-generation systems is a guarantee that you are ready for the digital future.”

Jennifer Huffstetler, Senior Director, Data Center Product Management at Intel, says: “The combination of Intel and Fujitsu technology results in compelling data center products that enable our shared customers to pursue digital transformation. The Intel Xeon Scalable processors deliver increased levels of performance, scalability, agility and security to further accelerate this digital transformation.”

New-generation systems feature multiple technology advances
Technical features include enhanced DDR4 memory modules and up to 6 TB capacity in quad socket PRIMERGY server2, flexible configuration options to support mix-and-match of storage drive bays with enormous capacity and the most advanced graphics processing units (GPUs) to further accelerate the most demanding high-performance computing, hyperscale, and enterprise datacenter workloads. Connectivity is provided through onboard LAN for Ethernet, as well as DynamicLoM for extended requirements.

The PRIMEQUEST serverpushes the performance envelope of SAP HANA up to 12TB of the in-memory database.

Embedded management features let IT departments deploy, monitor and support the servers remotely, while the new Fujitsu ServerView® Infrastructure Software Manager (ISM)3 allows for the consolidated, efficient operation and management of converged infrastructures and facility equipment that runs in datacenters and server rooms.

Pricing and availability
The all-new range of dual- and quad-socket x86 PRIMERGY servers and octo-socket PRIMEQUEST Business model server systems is available worldwide from Fujitsu and via distribution partners. Prices vary by region, model and configuration.

Notes to editors
1 The new Fujitsu Server PRIMERGY M4 generation includes the dual-socket rack servers PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 and PRIMERGY RX2540 M4, which offer maximum performance for business applications in a compact design, the quad-socket PRIMERGY RX4770 M4 rack server for business-critical backend services, such as in-memory databases and business intelligence workloads, and the high-performance, high-density scale-out server PRIMERGY CX400 M4 with a comprehensive ecosystem consisting of CX2550 M4, CX2560 M4, CX2570 M4 server nodes, Ethernet ToR switch (PSWITCH 2048) and ServerView® ISM. Fujitsu is also introducing the octo-socket, high-end PRIMEQUEST 3800B server system for business-critical computing.

2 Features available depending on model and configuration. Restrictions may apply.

3 Available on special release only and compatibility limited to Fujitsu PRIMERGY CX400 M4




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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