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Fujitsu släpper framtidssäkra PRIMERGY-servrar

6 november 2019 – Fujitsu uppdaterar utbudet av instegsservrar i PRIMERGY-familjen, med nya produkter som är skapade för att förbättra och framtidssäkra hanteringen av workloads för små och medelstora företag, med kraften i den senaste generationen av processorer (Intel Xeon E-2200) och mer arbetsminne på upp till 128 GB. Produkterna är i mono socket-utförande vilket ger en god balans mellan kostnadseffektivitet och prestanda.

De nya servrarna är försedda med Fujitsu Infrastructure Manager (ISM) Essential och iRMC S5, vilket möjliggör enkel och effektiv drift över serverns hela livscykel.

De nya produkterna, den ultrakompakta PRIMERGY TX1320 M4, den kraftfullt utbyggbara PRIMERGY TX1330 M4 och rackservern PRIMERGY RX1330 M4 finns på marknaden från och med idag från Fujitsu och utvalda återförsäljarpartners. Priser varierar mellan olika länder och systemkonfigurationer.

Samtliga produkter har nått mycket goda resultat i det oberoende benchmarktestet SPEC CPU 2017.

För mer information, se nedanstående pressrelease.

Fujitsu Delivers Refreshed PRIMERGY Mono-socket Servers

News facts:

  • Upgraded processor and memory capacity for Fujitsu’s entry-level PRIMERGY models enhances and future-proofs workload performance
  • Mono-socket models are powerful enough to make them ideal for small and medium-size enterprises across a wide range of use cases
  • Enhanced portfolio also well-suited for deployment at the network edge, in handling local workloads where low latency is needed, and for hybrid IT landscapes

Fujitsu’s refreshed portfolio of entry-level PRIMERGY servers are designed to enhance and future-proof workload performance for small and medium-sized businesses, and feature the latest processors and more memory capacity. This makes upgraded mono-socket PRIMERGY servers a cost-effective on-premises alternative to the cloud, especially for office tasks such as powering shared databases – and for use at the network edge, where latency and bandwidth prove to be a challenge for cloud environments.

Performance upgrades ensure the latest PRIMERGY mono-socket servers are well equipped to handle fluctuating workload demand. Futureproofing is thanks to expandable memory and disk capacity, providing anytime expandability – making sure these new models can cope with increased future demands.

The latest Intel Xeon E-2200 processors are standard across the mono-socket line-up, providing a significant performance boost. Maximum memory capacity is increased to 128GB, easily enough for tasks such as hosting a shared database in a branch office. At the network edge, on-premises servers deliver performance advantages over cloud-based solutions, since they provide effective local processing and filtering for IoT data.

Christian Leutner, Head of Product Sales Europe at Fujitsu, comments: “The days when a dual-socket server was the minimum requirement for a general-purpose workhorse are over. Today’s PRIMERGY mono-socket servers deliver excellent performance and flexibility. The refreshed Fujitsu PRIMERGY portfolio, with its enhanced memory and upgraded processing capability, is designed to be an effective business enabler for businesses of all sizes, ensuring customers have the technology to be ready for whatever technology challenges the future brings.”

  • The ultra-compact PRIMERGY TX1320 M4 is a fully featured server for individual or virtualized workloads which fits anywhere, thanks to its small footprint. Like all PRIMERGY mono-socket models, it is silent in operation and features the Fujitsu Cool-safe® advanced thermal design, allowing use across a wider range of ambient temperatures. It claims new industrywide benchmarks in new energy related SPEC CPU2017 integer and floating point suite benchmark tests across both speed (time based) and rate (throughput based) metrics. 1
  • The PRIMERGY TX1330 M4 is highly expandable in terms of memory and disk capacity, ensuring that it excels in handling a wide range of standard workloads. It has set a new benchmark record in the SPECpower_ssj® 2008 benchmark which is a key benchmark to determine power and performance characteristics of server class computer equipment. 2 It also claims new industrywide world performance records in the widely accepted SPEC CPU2017 benchmark tests including integer and floating point suite benchmark tests for rate (throughput based) metrics and floating point suite benchmark tests for speed (time based) metrics. 1
  • The PRIMERGY RX1330 M4 rounds out the mono-socket range. This is a rack-mounted server, boasting a rich selection of features to accommodate future growth – providing a perfect balance between performance and value. This model sets new world records in the VMmark benchmark3, used to measure the performance, scalability, and power consumption of virtualization platforms, and has also achieved a new world record in the SPEC CPU2017 integer suite benchmark tests for speed (time based) metrics. 1

All three servers feature the Fujitsu Infrastructure Manager (ISM) Essential suite and iRMC S5, enabling simple and effective management throughout the entire server lifecycle, including deployment, installation and administration.

Pricing and availability

Pricing varies according to region and system configuration. New PRIMERGY servers are available to order either directly from Fujitsu or via SELECT channel partners.

Notes to editors

1 The SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark package contains SPEC's next-generation, industry-standardized, CPU intensive suites for measuring and comparing compute intensive performance, stressing a system's processor, memory subsystem and compiler. SPEC designed these suites to provide a comparative measure of compute-intensive performance across the widest practical range of hardware using workloads developed from real user applications. The SPECrate® suite measures throughput (or work per unit of time), while the SPECspeed® measures speed (for example time taken to complete a workload). For further information and the latest test results, refer to https://www.spec.org/cpu2017/

2 The SPEC Power benchmark is the first industry-standard benchmark that evaluates the power and performance characteristics of single servers and multi-node servers. It is used to compare power and performance among different servers and serves as a toolset for use in improving server efficiency. Refer to: https://www.spec.org/power_ssj2008/

3 VMmark is a free tool used by hardware vendors and others to measure the performance, scalability, and power consumption of virtualization platforms. For further information and latest test results, refer to https://www.vmware.com/products/vmmark.html

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Susanne Carlsson
Marketing Manager Product Business Unit, Fujitsu Sverige
Tel: +46 (0)73 978 82 78
e-post: Susanne.carlsson@se.fujitsu.com

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Fujitsu är ett ledande japanskt ICT-företag som erbjuder ett komplett utbud av teknikprodukter, tjänster och lösningar. Cirka 132 000 Fujitsu-medarbetare bistår kunder i fler än 100 länder. Vi använder vår erfarenhet och kraften i informations- och kommunikationsteknologi för att utforma framtidens samhälle tillsammans med våra kunder. Fujitsu Limited (TSE: 6702) rapporterade en konsoliderad intäkt på 4,0 biljoner yen (36 miljarder USD) för räkenskapsåret som avslutades den 31 mars 2019. För mer information vänligen besök www.fujitsu.com

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Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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