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Fujitsu lanserar ny backuplösning för hyperkonvergerad infrastruktur

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Fujitsu lanserar ny backuplösning för hyperkonvergerad infrastruktur

15 juli 2016 – Fujitsu introducerar idag ETERNUS CS200c S3 på marknaden; en komplett, integrerad backuplösning som är skräddarsydd för hyperkonvergerad infrastruktur. ETERNUS CS200c S3 erbjuder en enkel, kostnadseffektiv väg att lagra och skydda data i komplexa IT-miljöer bestående av såväl fysisk som virtuell infrastruktur. Fujitsus ETERNUS CS-portfölj är designad att minimera farorna med missade backuper, misslyckad återställning av förlorade data eller korrupta filer. Lösningen är skalbar för att möta föränderliga verksamhetskrav.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.

Fujitsu Launches Backup Solution for Hyperconverged Infrastructures

News facts:

  • New ETERNUS CS200c S3 delivers out-of-the box approach to backing up and protecting data in virtual environments
  • All-in-one appliance simplifies backups across virtual and physical servers, boosts productivity and cuts costs
  • Converged data protection solution scales flexibly to meet business demands

Munich, July 15, 2016 – Fujitsu today introduces a fresh approach to data protection in virtualized data centers with the ETERNUS CS200c S3, a backup solution ideally suited for hyperconverged infrastructures (HCI). This new integrated backup appliance offers a simplified, cost-efficient approach to the headache of protecting data across complex physical and virtual IT environments. It joins Fujitu’s range of ready-to-use ETERNUS CS appliances, which are designed to minimize business risk from missed backups, post-disaster recovery failures and the corruption of sensitive data.

As a fully integrated solution for the backup, archiving and recovery of unlimited numbers of servers in physical, virtual and cloud-based data centers, the ETERNUS CS200c S3 delivers an all-in-one data protection concept for converged and hyperconverged systems. This means that organizations can now virtualize their critical applications while meeting strict data protection service level agreements (SLAs).

Uwe Neumeier, Vice President and Head of Data Center, EMEIA Product Business at Fujitsu, comments: “Hyperconverged and software-defined systems enable real-time digital business, and although they have some data protection capabilities built in, they often store backup copies on the same platform. This means that critical business data is not safe from corruption or deletion. Our new appliance closes this gap, by providing a reliable backup and recovery solution across the entire lifecycle of each virtual machine, even within a hyperconverged solution – meaning that business-critical data is continually protected and business continuity can be achieved even if disaster strikes.”

ETERNUS CS200c S3 is preconfigured and customizable out of the box. It dramatically cuts initial setup times for data protection solutions from days to hours. By automating repetitive or highly complex tasks, it streamlines continuity of operation and disaster recovery processes. Customers can create rapid-fire, persistent hardware snapshots allowing near instant recovery, and perform off-host backups for hundreds of virtual machines. A policy-based approach ensures no virtual machine goes unprotected, while optimizing resource utilization.

Powered by industry-leading Commvault software, ETERNUS CS200c S3 leverages deep integration into virtual infrastructures supporting all major hypervisors including Microsoft’s Hyper-V and VMware’s vSphere, as well as Commvault’s advanced data management capabilities for radically simplified data management.

Sangram Dange, GM, Data Protection and Recovery Business Unit, Commvault says: “Commvault has worked together with Fujitsu to simplify backup and data management for Hyperconverged Infrastructures (HCI)”. The combination of Commvault’s data protection software within Fujitsu’s ETERNUS CS200c appliance provides a simple ‘out of box’ approach to managing data in virtual infrastructures including backing up hyper-converged infrastructures. By integrating Commvault’s powerful capabilities for protecting virtual environments into an easy to purchase, deploy, support, and scale ETERNUS CS200c appliance, we help users of HCIs enjoy simple and secure data operations end-to-end.”

Pricing and availability

Fujitsu ETERNUS CS200c S3 will be available from August 1, 2016 in Europe, Middle East, India and Africa. It can be ordered direct from Fujitsu and via distribution partners. Pricing and specifications vary by configuration and country.

Notes to editors

The ETERNUS CS200c S3 is the ideal backup component for Fujitsu’s converged and hyperconverged integrated systems PRIMEFLEX vShape, PRIMEFLEX for VMware VSAN, and PRIMEFLEX Cluster-in-a-box.

With built-in deduplication, centralized administration, scalable capacity from 1TB up to 165TB, and multiple licensing options, the ETERNUS CS200c S3 is the perfect, complete backup solution for physical and virtual environments in companies of all sizes. It offers investment protection even as organizations’ requirements continue to grow.

Mer information

ETERNUS CS hemsida http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/storage/data-protection/
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Susanne Carlsson
Senior Marketing Manager, Fujitsu Sverige
+46 (0)73 978 82 78

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Fujitsu i Sverige erbjuder produkter, tjänster och lösningar inom IT, kommunikation och verksamhetsutveckling. Svenska Fujitsu har cirka 700 medarbetare och kontor över hela landet. Våra kunder finns bland annat inom bank och finans, detaljhandel, tillverkningsindustri och publik sektor.

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Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) rapporterade en konsoliderad intäkt på 4,7 biljoner yen (41 miljarder USD) för räkenskapsåret som avslutades den 31 mars 2016. För mer information vänligen besök: http://se.fujitsu.com




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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Fujitsu Sverige är en del av Fujitsu-koncernen, ett av världens största IT-tjänsteföretag. Fujitsu erbjuder outsourcingstjänster, konsultkompetens samt en heltäckande portfölj av IT-lösningar inom digitalisering och IT som gör verksamheter hållbara och mer effektiva. Svenska Fujitsu har närmare 600 medarbetare över hela landet med kunder inom såväl privat som offentlig sektor.

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