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Fujitsu bibehåller ledarposition för outsourcing av datacenter- och infrastrukturtjänster i ny Gartner-rapport

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Fujitsu bibehåller ledarposition för outsourcing av datacenter- och infrastrukturtjänster i ny Gartner-rapport

Fujitsu har utsetts till ledare i Gartners senaste granskning av affärsområdena Data Center Outsourcing (DCO) och Infrastructure Utility Services (IUS). Enligt rapporten har Fujitsu stärkt sin ställning både när det gäller vision och leverans. 

Lösningar för att hantera hybrida IT-miljöer är starkt efterfrågade av företag i alla storlekar, som ser möjligheterna med att uppnå snabbare utvecklingstakt och öka kostnadseffektiviteten.

Fujitsus marknadsandel inom DCO och IUS fortsätter också att växa tack vare en högre tillväxttakt än marknaden i stort. Bland de främsta dragloken är Fujitsus tjänster för tjänstebaserad infrastruktur (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS) som växer med 49 procent jämfört med föregående år.

Hela rapporten kan läsas här.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.


Fujitsu Again Recognized As A Leader in 2015 Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, Europe

Munich, August 11, 2015 – Fujitsu is recognized as a leader in the Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing (DCO) and Infrastructure Utility Services (IUS), Europe for the third successive year, according to Gartner research published on July 13, 2015.

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, Europe1 shows Fujitsu positioned further along both completeness of vision and ability to execute.

Fujitsu’s continued investments in the provision of Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services focus on helping customers to address the issues of managing Hybrid IT landscapes, which are becoming the new ‘norm’ for companies of all-sizes. These Hybrid IT environments are unique new landscapes that draw IT services together from various internal and cloud-based systems, and result from the adoption of new cloud and on-premise applications to run alongside traditional systems.

Through the provision of DCO and IUS from a global network of more than 160 data centers, Fujitsu is enabling customers to get the balance right between adopting cloud services to support powerful innovation, while also robustly managing the associated risks,costs and benefits.

Fujitsu’s DCO and IUS business continues to expand faster than the market, with 6 percent overall growth in year-on-year revenues. Further highlights include a 49 percent growth in Fujitsu’s global Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) business and a 91 percent increase in private hosted IaaS, reflecting increased demand for IaaS, which offers greater levels of control than public cloud IaaS.

Notes to editors

1 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, Europe, published on July 13, 2015 by Claudio Da Rold, Gianluca Tramacere, Gregor Petri and DD Mishra.

Access a complimentary copy of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, Europe 2015 report for in-depth analysis of the European DCO and IUS market, the major vendors, and why Fujitsu is positioned in the Leaders quadrant once again.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Mer information
Läs mer om Hybrid IT på Fujitsus hemsida: http://www.fujitsu.com/global/solutions/cloud/hybrid-it/
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Björn Landerberg, Head of Marketing and Communication

Telefon: Telefon: 0739-733 603
E-post: E-post: bjorn.landerberg@se.fujitsu.com




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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