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Forrester-rapport: Fujitsus vision för arbetsplatstjänster möjliggör digital balans i företaget

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Forrester-rapport: Fujitsus vision för arbetsplatstjänster möjliggör digital balans i företaget

Den oberoende analysfirman Forrester har släppt en ny rapport kring den snabbt växande marknaden för arbetsplatstjänster, där Fujitsu pekas ut som en global ledare inom området. 

Rapporten, The Forrester Wave: Global Workplace Services, Q4 2015, framhäver särskilt Fujitsus starka och långtgående vision för hur tjänster och lösningar kan förändra sättet företag och anställda arbetar på. Forrester pekar även ut Fujitsus starka närvaro och partnerekosystem i framför allt Europa som en framgångsfaktor.

För mer information, läs nedanstående pressrelease.

Fujitsu’s Uniquely Far-reaching Vision for Workplace Services Enables Digitally Balanced Enterprises

Munich – Fujitsu is cited as a Leader in Workplace Services at a global1 and EMEA level2, and as a Strong Performer in North America3 by independent research firm Forrester. The Forrester WaveTM reports evaluate criteria that emphasize depth and breadth of capabilities, including current offering, strategy and market presence. We believe these results are evidence that Fujitsu’s customers appreciate how its Human Centric Innovation approach is enabling them to become digitally-balanced enterprises, where workplace services play a critical role in empowering their ecosystem of employees and partners.

In the reportcovering the Europe, Middle East and Africa region2, Fujitsu is identified as one of three vendors that ‘lead the pack’. Forrester notes that key differentiators are delivery excellence and advances in innovation. The authors comment:

“Fujitsu has a strong market presence in workplace services, with very strong capabilities in EMEA and Asia Pacific. Fujitsu’s current offering is supported by its ecosystem participation and its strong vision for the future of workplace services. Its market presence is reinforced by its strong support of the service desk category. Global customers may find Fujitsu’s relative lack of presence in North America a concern, but it is growing as the company expands its foothold through strategic deals. The company is well suited for customers with European-centric requirements. Fujitsu has an enlightened view of the importance of measuring customer experience and a uniquely far-reaching vision for workplace services.”

Pricing and availability

Fujitsu’s Workplace Anywhere End User Services are available globally.

Notes to editors

  • 1.The Forrester WaveTM: Global Workplace Services, Q4 2015 by Wolfgang Benkel and William Martorelli, December 17, 2015
  • 2.The Forrester WaveTM: EMEA Workplace Services, Q4 2015 by Wolfgang Benkel and William Martorelli, December 17, 2015
  • 3.The Forrester WaveTM: North American Workplace Services, Q4 2015 by Wolfgang Benkel and William Martorelli, December 17, 2015

Fujitsu ‘Workplace Anywhere’ – Empowering people and raising workforce productivity through flexible and secure access to applications and data ‘anywhere, anytime, and from any device’

Fujitsu has designed its ‘Workplace Anywhere’ solution in a human centric way to empower people to better achieve their roles, anywhere, anytime, and from any device. The company recognizes that the delivery of IT capability must be fully integrated with a program of business transformation if the target benefits and value are to be achieved. Working with clients to drive the change and provide skills and advice to complement their own capabilities, Fujitsu helps organizations to thrive in a radically changing workplace, for the benefit of enterprises, individuals and society. See Fujitsu’s definitive guide to enabling future ways of working in The White Book of Digital Workplace Evolution.

Fujitsu’s Workplace Anywhere solution is for organizations that want to mobilize their business processes and their workforce, enabling secure access to applications and data on any device in any location. It underpins business agility, adding business value while reducing costs and simultaneously improving user experience.

Fujitsu is a highly experienced global partner that transforms the workplace IT infrastructure together with its customers at a pace that suits their business while minimizing the risks of change. End-users get seamless and secure access to what they need, where and when they need it – regardless of which device they prefer. In doing so, Fujitsu is empowering people to better achieve their roles.

Fujitsu’s End User Services provide customers with tailor-made solutions made of classic, virtual, mobile and collaborative workplaces – complemented by Application, Data Center, Cloud, and Service Desk Services. To transform the workplace of today into a dynamic space that is able to adapt to the trends and challenges of the future, organizations need to strike an optimal match between workplace strategy and business requirements.

Mer information

Fujitsus globala Service Desk: www.fujitsu.com/service-desk
Kundreferenser Fujitsu End User Services: http://eusfujitsu.com/
The White Book of Digital Workplace Evolution: http://www.fujitsu.com/global/Images/WhiteBook-DigitalWorkplaceEvolution-US.pdf
Läs Fujitsus blogg:http://blog.ts.fujitsu.com
Följ Fujitsu på Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/Fujitsu_TS
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Fujitsus nyhetsrum på MyNewsdesk:http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/fujitsu


Björn Landerberg, Head of Marketing and Communication
tel. 0739-733 603
e-mail: bjorn.landerberg@se.fujitsu.com




Björn Landerberg

Björn Landerberg

Presskontakt Head of Marketing and Communications 0739-733 603

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