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Press release -

Hjalmar Winbladh om tiden på Microsoft

Framtiden i mobilen är spännande, men knappast i centrum för Microsofts framtidsdiskussioner. Sakta har Hjalmar Winbladh börjat inse att Microsoft inte riktigt visste vad de köpte när de tog över Sendit. Köpet var snarare en markering mot aktiemarknaden, men att de snarare köpte människor än teknik, var de inte riktigt medvetna om. Microsoft är bra på att trycka in uppköpta teknikbolags produkter i systemet. Inte lika bra att ta hand om människor de köper.

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Niclas Carlsson

Niclas Carlsson

Press contact CEO Founder, Founders Alliance +46708107805 Apply for Membership Founders Alliance
Nina Hahn

Nina Hahn

Press contact Chief Marketing, Information and Communication Manager PR & Communication +46709359358 Founders Alliance
Christina S. Donnerlind

Christina S. Donnerlind

Press contact Editor PR & Communication +46704868650 Founders Alliance

About Founders Alliance

Founders Alliance was established in 2002 by Niclas Carlsson. Today Founders Alliance is a premium collaborative business forum for founders of large-scale corporations, owners of international growth companies and engaged in multiple social impact initiatives around the globe.

Founders Alliance facilitates a platform for collaboration for founders (members) incl. Founders Groups, one-to-one introductions, closed online communities, international business trips and events (hybrid). Its membership comprises over 300 high performing founders owning over 3000 companies in all parts of the world stretching across all industries and areas of expertise.

The core of Founders Alliance is independent from state funding, financial actors, advisory firms and academic institutions.

Founders Alliance

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SE-114 35 Stockholm