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Kategorier: impact startup

Rendering av Fossil Free Marines nya DNV-verifierade marinstation

Fossil Free Marine lanserar världens första DNV-verifierade marinstation – miljösäkerhet på en helt ny nivå

Fossil Free Marine lanserar nu världens första DNV-verifierade marinstation, designad för att möjliggöra säker, miljövänlig och finansiellt gångbar distribution av moderna drop-in biodrivmedel för den marina sektorn. Den första mobila och helt obemmanade enheten i kommersiell skala byggs nu, för etablering i Stockholm denna sommar, i samarbete med ett ledande internationellt drivmdelsbolag.

Render of the new DNV assured marine station by Fossil Free Marine

Fossil Free Marine launches first ever DNV assured marine fuel station – taking environmental safety to a new level

Fossil Free Marine are now launching the first ever DNV assured marine fuel station, designed to allow safe, environmentally friendly and financially viable distribution of modern drop-in biofuels for the marine sector. The first mobile and fully unmanned commercial scale unit is being built now, for deployment in Stockholm this summer, in co-operation with a leading international fuel company.

A worlds first unmanned, marine fuel station for renewable fuel, by Fossil Free Marine, is now in production at Swede Ship Composite ship yard..

Fossil Free Marine and Swede Ship Composite has entered into agreement on production of a world's first, unmanned and fossil free, marine fuel station.

Fossil Free Marine selects Swede Ship Marine as supplier; After a thorough procurement process involving leading composite shipyards in Sweden, Fossil Free Marine has selected Swede Ship Marine as supplier for the first full scale commercial unit of its unmanned floating marine fuel station. Production planning commences immediately, with production scheduled to start in January 2022.

Obemannad marinstation för förnybara drivmedel från Fossil Free Marine

Världens första obemannade marinstation för förnybara drivmedel är patentsökt av Fossil Free Marine

Fossil Free Marine tillkännager att de har sökt patent- och designskydd för världens första obemannade flytande marinstation avsedd för förnybara drivmedel. Detta efter flera års utveckling, baserat på en egen miljö- och säkerhetsrisk analys och certifieringar av ett välkänt globalt certifieringssällskap, vilket resulterar i en banbrytande produkt i det marina segmentet, med en global marknad.

A world's first unmanned, marine fuel station for sustainable fuels, by Fossil Free Marine

Fossil Free Marine has filed for patent and design protection for new unmanned marine station for renewable fuels

Fossil Free Marine announce it has applied for patent and design protection for its newly developed unmanned floating marine fuel station for renewable fuels. This after several years’ development work, based on proprietary environmental and risk analyses and certifications by well renowned global certification body resulting in a groundbreaking product in the marine segment with a global market.

Fossil Free Marine

Fossil Free Marine is an impact initiative, committed to making boating sustainable on a global scale, through infrastructure solutions that allow financially viable, safe and environmentally friendly distribution of renewable drop-in biofuels and e-fuels.

Fossil Free Marine Europe AB
