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Följ operation Atalanta på plats

OHQ i London för operation Atalanta inbjuder media att på plats följa insatsen. Ni som är intresserade kontaktar Försvarsmaktens pressofficer på OHQ, Michael Jarl, på telefonnummer 070-309 76 17. Observera att sista svarsdatum är onsdagen den 18 februari klockan 1200 GMT.

"EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA is planning to embark media on the Greek Flagship PSARA for a number of single days in the first two weeks in March. The aim of the facility is to give the media an insight into the Anti Piracy "Operation ATALANTA" in the Gulf of Aden. Currently the proposed dates are 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th March whilst the ship is alongside in SALALAH, OMAN.

If you are interested in taking up this facility please confirm the date(s) you would like to visit and the names and contact details of the individuals that will attend.

The media will be expected to make their own way to the port and will not be staying onboard the warship overnight. There are likely to be filming restrictions in Oman and due to the shortage of space onboard TV crews will be limited to 2 persons.

The closing date for responses is 1200 GMT on Wednesday 18 Feb 09."

För frågor om den svenska insatsen i operation Atalanta senare i vår, kontakta Försvarsmaktens pressekreterare, Philip Simon, på 08-788 88 94 eller 0733-26 03 12.



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