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André Francois, CEO and co-founder Happy at Work are pressing ahead at full steam in Budapest and have 15% of their customers outside of Sweden
André Francois, CEO and co-founder Happy at Work are pressing ahead at full steam in Budapest and have 15% of their customers outside of Sweden

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Happy at Work is pressing ahead at full steam in Budapest

Happy at Work is a Swedish-Hungarian startup that was founded 2 years ago with a young and dynamic work team. They provide a digital service that measures work environment, wellbeing and stress levels of employees. The goal of Happy at Work is to help create happier workplaces and help organizations grow and retain their employees with their service. Another goal of Happy at Work was to carry this initiative in Sweden onto an international platform. In line with these goals, Happy at Work took the first step towards becoming an international company by opening an office in Budapest during 2019.

"From the beginning, our goal was to expand internationally, and we were really ambitious, excited, and willing to achieve this goal,'' says Happy at Work’s CEO, André Francois.

Currently, 15% of their customers are outside of Sweden. Six months ago that number was zero. It has been less than a year since they opened an office in Budapest, and already the majority of the Non-Swedish clients are Hungarian companies.

He also says “We have received a lot of attention in Budapest and the interest has been larger than we expected. We are very grateful to have gained this trust in Budapest in this short time. Also for the help and support we have received from companies such as Develor International, Qualysoft and Design Terminal.”




Företagsfabriken i Kronoberg

Kronoberg läns regionala företagsinkubator som ger entreprenörer och företagare en kreativ tillväxtmiljö. Företagsfabriken i Kronoberg AB är beläget i Videum Science Park och erbjuder företag dels en kreativ och modern mötesplats i Bravo entrepreneurial HUB och dels en möjlighet till snabbare marknadsintroduktion genom antagning till vår inkubationsprocess.
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