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Foto Jonson: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet Foto Ollongren: Martijn Beekman
Foto Jonson: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet Foto Ollongren: Martijn Beekman

EU defence policy - perspectives from the Netherlands and Sweden

Tid 7 Mars 2023 17:00 – 18:00

Plats Berzelii Park, Garnisonen, Karlavägen 100

The large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine has dramatically challenged the European security order and its foundational principles. This has led to major shifts for many European countries’ defence and security policies. Sweden and Finland are currently in the ratification process to join NATO and most EU countries are increasing their defence spending. Germany is investing significantly in its armed forces and the European countries, together with EU and NATO, are continuing their support to Ukraine.

On March 7 between 17-18, Folk och Försvar is delighted to invite you to attend a seminar with Minister of Defence of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of Defence of Sweden, Pål Jonson and experts Anna Wieslander and Björn Fägersten. The theme for the seminar is the EU defence policy.

In the coming years, the Netherlands will meet the NATO standard of spending 2% of GDP on defence and as a member in both NATO and the EU, the Ministry of Defence has highlighted the importance of contributing to European security, with a strong transatlantic cooperation as well as more European cooperation on defence and security. EU’s new strategic compass offers many starting points to expand and intensify European cooperation. Currently the focus in on how the EU is providing military support to Ukraine, both through funding (European Peace Facility) and training (EU military assistance mission). This has also triggered thinking on how the EU can do more in providing Ukraine with ammunition and to scale up the production capacity of the European defence industry.

This seminar will highlight perspectives from the Netherlands and Sweden on the future for EU defence and security policy. What are the most prioritised courses of action in order to strengthen EU cooperation and how can EU and NATO develop European security together? Do Sweden and the Netherlands share the same challenges when it comes to defence capabilities and what can the countries learn from each other?


Moderator: Karin Abbor-Svensson, Chief of staff, Folk och Försvar

17:00 Introduction
Karin Abbor-Svensson, Chief of staff, Folk och Försvar

Perspectives on EU defence policy from the Netherlands
Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of Defence of the Netherlands

Swedish views on EU defence policy
Pål Jonson, Minister of Defence of Sweden

Questions from the audience

Panel discussion
Anna Wieslander, Director Northern Europe, Atlantic Council
Björn Fägersten, Senior Researcher, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and CEO of Politea

18:00 Seminar ends



Anna Lagerlöf

Anna Lagerlöf

Presskontakt Kommunikatör

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Folk och Försvar

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114 47 Stockholm